- Site: Torness
- IR number: 19-112
- Date: November 2019
- LC numbers: 4, 5, 12
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
The purposes of this week of interventions at EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd’s (NGL) Torness power station were to:
- Undertake a compliance inspection examining aspects of the station’s arrangements for restriction on nuclear matter on the site and consignment of nuclear matter, made under Licence Condition (LC) 4 and 5;
- Undertake a compliance inspection of LC12 - duly authorised and other suitably qualified and experienced persons;
- Carry out a series of routine engagements with key staff at the station;
The interventions were planned as part of ONR’s inspection strategy for operating reactors and the inspection plan for Torness.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
The intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides) in the areas inspected.
For my inspection of LC4 and LC5 I was accompanied by a specialist transport safety inspector and an ONR nuclear safeguards specialist. These licence conditions concern matters such as the receipt, handling, storage and consignment of ‘nuclear material’ which includes nuclear fuel, some radioactive sources and radioactive waste. We interviewed relevant staff, reviewed documents and records and inspected a sample of areas of the power station where nuclear material is handled or stored.
LC12 requires, amongst other things, that work on the licensed site that may affect plant safety should be controlled and supervised by ‘Duly Authorised Persons’ (DAPs). For this inspection I was accompanied by a specialist inspector in leadership and management for safety. We spoke to a sample of DAPs and other key staff and looked at a sample of relevant documents and records.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
For LC4 and 5 our sample demonstrated, in my opinion, good practice. There were no regulatory issues raised, and no significant observations for improvement. I rated the inspection ‘Green – no formal action’ for compliance with both licence conditions.
During the LC12 inspection I found for those posts sampled, evidence of good adherence to the company’s processes to ensure that only suitably qualified and experienced persons are authorised or nominated to control and supervise work that may affect nuclear safety. I made some observations, gave advice on potential areas for further improvement and gave an inspection rating of ‘Green – no formal action’.
I also had routine meetings with a number key staff at the power station to exchange information.
Conclusion of Intervention
Findings were discussed with station management. There are no findings from this inspection that could significantly undermine nuclear safety. At present, no additional regulatory action is needed over and above the planned interventions at Torness.