- Site: Dounreay
- IR number: 19-165
- Date: January 2020
- LC numbers: 36
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This inspection was to confirm compliance with Licence Condition 36, and to undertake other inspection activities at Dounreay in accordance with the 2019/20 Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) for the site to confirm that the licensee is controlling its hazards and complying with its statutory obligations.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
The purpose of this inspection was to confirm compliance against the requirements of LC36 [Organisational capability]: Specifically DSRL’s arrangements for the management of organisational change.
In addition, the inspection also provided the opportunity to conduct other inspections, specifically:
- Review of progress against regulatory issues as recorded on the ONR Regulatory Issues Database and other regulatory actions agreed during previous ONR inspection activities;
- Meeting with the site safety representatives;
- Review of DSRL’s internal regulation activities.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not applicable.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
The LC36 inspection focused on DSRL’s management of organisational change arrangements and their governance, the maintenance of the nuclear baseline and succession planning. Based on the evidence examined it is clear that DSRL has developed comprehensive governance arrangements which they are in the process of implementing. ONR will follow up on the progress of this implementation during subsequent visits to site. Overall ONR is satisfied that DSRL has adequate arrangements in place for the management of organisational change and organisational capability.
This inspection provided an opportunity to review DSRL’s progress against the regulatory issues and other agreed regulatory actions raised during previous inspections. Overall ONR is satisfied that DSRL is making adequate progress in addressing those actions.
ONR also reviewed the internal regulation activities supporting the governance of major projects currently undergoing inactive commissioning. ONR remains satisfied that DSRL’s internal regulation capability provides an adequate independent challenge and oversight of those activities supporting any subsequent decision to release internal hold points.
This inspection also provided an opportunity to conduct a plant walk-down within PFR and observe activities associated with the Residual Alkali Metal Removal Project. ONR were satisfied that the supervisory and control arrangements for this stage of the work were adequate.
Conclusion of Intervention
Overall, we consider that DSRL’s arrangements and their implementation in those areas inspected meet the requirements of LC36. In addition, we consider that the site is making adequate progress in addressing matters raised in previous inspections and continues to demonstrate an adequate internal regulation capability. We did not identify any matter impacting on nuclear safety that required any further immediate regulatory action.