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Planned compliance inspection

  • Site: Sizewell B
  • IR number: 19-147
  • Date: January 2020
  • LC numbers: 32

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

The purpose of this intervention was to carry out a planned licence condition (LC) compliance inspection at Sizewell B, operated by EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited (EDF NGL, the licensee), in accordance with ONR’s integrated intervention strategy for the site.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

In conjunction with the Environment Agency I carried out an inspection of the site’s arrangements for compliance with LC 32 (accumulation of radioactive waste). My inspection made use of ONR’s guidance document on the inspection of LC 32, NS-INSP-GD-032 Revision 5. I examined the licensee’s procedures for the management of lower-level solid waste; inspected waste management and storage locations on site; questioned licensee staff involved with processing waste and providing waste management advice; and examined records of waste accumulated on site.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate


Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

Based on the evidence sampled during the inspection, I consider that the licensee is adhering to corporate procedures, but has the flexibility to request changes to those procedures if required. It is effective in predicting its waste arisings, and reviews its practices to minimise those arisings. Waste is processed by suitably qualified individuals, stored in appropriate locations, and is not accumulated excessively. I have therefore assigned an inspection rating of Green for compliance with LC 32.

Conclusion of Intervention

From the evidence gathered during this intervention, I consider that there were no matters significantly affecting nuclear safety, or that require amendments to the integrated intervention strategy for the site.