- Site: Chapelcross
- IR number: 19-172
- Date: February 2020
- LC numbers: N/A
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This was a planned inspection at the decommissioning Chapelcross site, undertaken as part of the intervention strategy for the Decommissioning, Fuel and Waste Sub-Division.
The purpose of the inspection was to ensure that the Licensee was complying with the fire, life safety requirements of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
The inspection assessed management arrangements to support fire safety, and examined the implementation of fire protection within pre-selected areas on the site.
- I examined a series of Fire Safety Strategies, Building Plans and Fire Risk Assessments prior to my arrival on site.
- I conducted meetings to assess the approach taken to the management of fire safety and discussed the fire engineering assumptions supporting the fire risk assessment documents.
- During my inspection, I challenged managers, contract partners and subject matter experts about procedures and approaches to the practical application of maintaining adequate fire safety provision.
- I undertook a walk-through of the Interim Storage Facility and the AVDS Building.
- I questioned personnel to test effectiveness and knowledge of arrangements.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not Applicable
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
My overall impression was one of a licensee with a commitment to maintain and develop the fire safety arrangements within its decommissioning operations across the Chapelcross site. The licensee understands the need to apply a systematic and pragmatic approach to fire safety, ensuring that it is taken seriously and is given the due consideration it deserves. Throughout the inspection I noted that all of those that I had contact with, demonstrated a suitable focus, support and attention to fire safety. The site does not currently have a Fire Safety Coordinator. This role is an important position in ensuring that fire safety is managed and applied appropriately on a diverse site such as Chapelcross. The role is being temporarily covered by an Industrial Safety Specialist who has limited Fire Safety experience.
During the walk-down of the two facilities a number of areas for improvement were identified which will require immediate consideration and attention to ensure sustained compliance with legal duties. The Site undertook to address these matters.
Conclusion of Intervention
This inspection demonstrated that the Site’s fire safety arrangements are effective and adequately implemented.