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LC10 and LC12 Compliance inspection

  • Site: AWE Aldermaston
  • IR number: 20-031
  • Date: August 2020
  • LC numbers: 10, 12

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This intervention, conducted at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston licensed site, was undertaken as part of the 2020/2021 intervention plan and weapons sub-division strategy.  The 2020/2021 intervention plan was revised to accommodate the restrictions placed due to Covid-19 and this inspection was introduced as part of the revision.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

The ONR Nominated Site Inspector conducted a planned LC10/12 of both corporate and Waste and Decommissioning areas. Implementation of AWE’s arrangements for LCs 10 and 12 was inspected with particular focus on the arrangements in place since March 2020 to accommodate for the restricted operations on the site due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides) in the areas inspected.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate


Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The inspection was undertaken via examination documentation and records, discussion with key personnel both at the corporate and facility levels. No matters were identified as requiring immediate regulatory attention during the conduct of the compliance inspection. The key findings against each LC are recorded below:

  • LC 10 (Training) – Rating = Green
  • LC 12 (Duly Appointed Persons and Suitably Qualified and Experienced Persons) – Rating = Green

It is my opinion that with regard to Covid-19, AWE has adequately implemented arrangements for LC10 and 12 in the areas sampled. In my opinion AWE has maintained an effective training and DAP/SQEP appointment programme.  All personnel interviewed through the intervention were clear on their responsibilities for safety and provided evidence of sufficient SQEP personnel to ensure that work activities can be conducted safely. Although some inconsistency was observed between some documentation within the management system and LC10/12 arrangements this did not undermine current working practices and as such will be tracked via a wider Regulatory Issue not specific to LC10 or LC12.

AWE’s arrangements and their implementation were judged to be in compliance with current government guidance in relation to working safely during Covid-19.

Conclusion of Intervention

Based upon the evidence gathered the ratings for LC10 and LC12 are GREEN. There is no requirement for further regulatory action against LC10 or LC12, however a regulatory issue will be raised at the corporate level regarding a number of documents within AWE’s management system to their consistency with the extant LC10 arrangements.

ONR also observed the general arrangements that are in place to adhere to the current guidance relevant to Covid-19. The areas observed showed an adequate approach to social distancing and a number of processes that are aligned with current guidance to help minimise the transmission of Covid-19.