- Site: Urenco UK Ltd
- IR number: 20-055
- Date: October 2020
- LC numbers: 2, 16
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This inspection on the Capenhurst Works licensed nuclear site was undertaken as part of a programme of planned inspections during 2020/21. The scope of the intervention was aligned to the ONR Decommissioning, Fuel and Waste strategy and focussed on the arrangements made under Licence Conditions (LCs) 2 and 16.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
This inspection was to confirm adequate implementation of arrangements made under the following Licence Conditions: -
- LC2 Marking of the site boundary;
- LC16 Site plans, designs and specifications.
The inspection comprised of plant inspection, office-based examination of procedures, documentation and records and interviews with staff.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not applicable.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
The licensee was able to demonstrate through its written arrangements; from the facilities inspected; and the staff interviewed during the inspection, that it complied with the requirements of LCs 2 and 16.
I carried out a visual inspection of the site boundary and the associated markings, which I observed to be complete in all areas and adequately marked. The boundary and signage were maintained to an adequate standard in order to inform personnel when they are leaving or entering the licensed nuclear site boundary, in accordance with the expectations for LC 2.
I confirmed that the site plan adequately identified the boundaries of the nuclear licenced site and the major nuclear safety significant buildings. I undertook a walkdown of one of the facilities of major nuclear safety significance, which was in accordance with the schedule provided under LC16.
Conclusion of Intervention
In my opinion, the Licensee's arrangements for compliance with LCs 2 and 16 were adequate from the arrangements examined, the facilities inspected and the staff interviewed during the inspection. I, therefore, conclude that this inspection identified no matters that may impact significantly on nuclear safety.