- Site: Chapelcross/Hunterston A
- IR number: 20-052
- Date: October 2020
- LC numbers: 26, 28
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
These Licence Compliance Inspections were carried out as part of a series of planned inspections for the Chapelcross (CHX) and Hunterston A (HNA) decommissioning sites during 2020/21.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
I carried out follow-up Covid-19 restart inspections on CHX’s and HNA’s Licence Condition (LC) 26, 28 and conventional health & safety arrangements for control of restart operations and their implementation. In addition, I held meetings with the CHX & HNA Safety Representatives.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
From the documentation examined and the areas inspected, I judged that CHX’s and HNA’s Covid-19 restart arrangements made under LCs 26, 28, and for conventional health & safety for the control of restart operations and their implementation were adequate.
Conclusion of Intervention
No regulatory concerns were identified as a result of the inspection and future engagement will continue as detailed in the 2020/21 inspection plan.