- Site: Barrow
- IR number: 20-090
- Date: November 2020
- LC numbers: 19, 20
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This intervention was undertaken by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), at the BAE Systems Marine Ltd. (BAESML), Barrow-In-Furness, in accordance with ONR’s integrated intervention strategy (IIS) plan.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
ONR conducted a licence condition (LC) 19 “Construction or installation of new plant” and LC20 “Modification to design of plant under construction” compliance inspection. This focused on the adequacy of the Licensee’s arrangements, and that it was appropriately implementing them, to control the construction or installation of new plant, and modifications to the design of plant, that may affect safety.
LC’s are inspected against the ONR’s Technical Inspection Guides and rated in accordance with ONR’s Inspection Rating Guide. Further information can be found on the ONR website.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not applicable.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
No matters were identified as requiring immediate regulatory attention during the conduct of this compliance inspection.
From the evidence presented by the Licensee during this LC19 and LC20 inspection, I am of the opinion that the Licensee’s existing arrangements are adequate and have been appropriately implemented to control the construction or installation of new plant, and modifications to the design of plant, that may affect safety.
The following represent minor shortfalls with respect to the Licensee’s LC19 and LC20 arrangements and their implementation:
- It was not possible to gain adequate confidence that all related responsibilities and defined activities associated with the role of Engineering Manager, were fully understood and being delivered to the benefit of nuclear safety.
- The Licensee’s LC20 Compliance Principles Matrix was not fit for purpose, due to being incorrect and missing arrangements.
An ONR Regulatory Issue will be raised to track/monitor the Licensee’s progress against these minor shortfalls.
The following observations and associated recommendations were identified through the course of the inspection:
- The Licensee should ensure that the documents affected by the observed inconsistencies identified with respect to the numbering and cross-referencing of a specific Control Measure and Safety Action are updated and adequately implemented.
- The Licensee should consider capturing its forward action plan process formally within a user guide (or equivalent) to promote consistency and learning.
Conclusion of Intervention
Based on the evidence sampled, overall, I judged that the licensee’s arrangements for LC19 and LC20 are adequate and have been appropriately implemented.