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LC 8 (Warning notices) compliance inspection, COVID 19 arrangements and Intelligence Gathering

  • Site: Dungeness B
  • IR number: 20-109
  • Date: February 2021
  • LC numbers: 8

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This intervention was a planned LC8 (Warning notices) compliance inspection at EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited’s (NGL’s) Dungeness B power station. In addition, the follow-up of reported concerns regarding COVID -19 social distancing arrangements at the station. Intelligence gathering was also undertaken during the station visit.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

This inspection was led by the DNB nominated site inspector and was observed by an ASN regulator as part of their secondment activities. The station visit consisted of the following:

  • An inspection of the station’s arrangements with regards to LC8 (Warning notices) covering emergency exits within the RCA and local plant, Radiological signage arrangements and Local House Rules.
  • COVID 19 arrangements inspection and interviews
  • ONR issues review
  • Observing the weekly site excellence tour (gas circulators)
  • Station Director meeting (skype)

During this inspection I also undertook intelligence gathering in the form of informal discussions with several system engineers and plant operatives. This also included a meeting with the station’s safety representatives intelligence gathering activities which covered the a visit to the existing nitrogen injection system, several meetings with system engineers and station senior management team members and observing a site excellence tour of the gas circulators for both reactors.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate

No system-based inspection was undertaken during this visit. 

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

For the planned LC8 compliance inspection I examined the licensee’s arrangements as defined within its primary source guide specifically inthe following areas

  • Emergency Preparedness signage (House rules)
  • Fire Safety signage
  • Radiological Protection signage
  • Chemical safety signage

Using the above, I inspected the following plant areas

  • Station admin Building
  • Radiological Controlled Area (RCA)
    • Pile cap
    • Main stairwell
    • Reactor Basement
  • Turbine hall basement area
  • Contract partners offices and amenities

From my planned inspection of LC8, the station provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that it was complying with its arrangements in the above areas sampled. I did identify some very minor shortfalls which the station address during my visit. Considering my overall observations, I have rated this inspection as Green.

During my station visit,  I  inspected the station’s  COVID 19 arrangements where I undertook a significant number of interviews with station contract partner staff,  visited selected areas of the station’s contract partner work areas and examined  the COVID 19 arrangements that were in place within the office areas, workshop, messroom, change areas, new portacabins and other amenities.  Based on my two days of discussions and plant visit to the contract partner areas. I concluded that the station and its contract partners were undertaking the required activities and mitigation measures as provided by government advice. No individuals who had volunteered to be interviewed raised any significant concerns nor did those individuals I spoke to during my physical plant walkdowns.

Conclusion of Intervention

For the LC8 compliance inspection I have rated this as green, my inspection of the station’s COVID 19 arrangements and that of its contract partners did not identify  any significant issues that warranted any further follow-up.