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Harwell LC14, LC15 and LC35 compliance inspection

  • Site: Harwell
  • IR number: 20-099
  • Date: March 2021
  • LC numbers: 14, 15, 35

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This inspection was to confirm that Magnox Limited (ML) Harwell Site is complying with various Licence Conditions (LC) in accordance with the 2020/21 inspection plan and to confirm that the licensee is controlling its hazards and complying with its statutory obligations.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

This inspection was to confirm adequate implementation of arrangements made under the following Licence Conditions:

  • LC14 (Safety Documentation)
  • LC15 (Periodic Review)
  • LC35 (Decommissioning)

The inspection was based on examining a sample of the licensee’s arrangements, documentation and their implementation on the Harwell Site.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate


Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The licensee was able to demonstrate from the facilities inspected; and the staff interviewed during the inspection, that it complied with the requirements of LC 14.  The sample consisted of review of the ML arrangements and their implementation for the B220 facility.

I noted that the licensee’s arrangements for LC15 did not fully align with the ONR Technical Inspection Guide in that three of the suggested topics for periodic review are not included.  However, it was evident from the examples sampled that the periodic review process had addressed the topics missing from the ML arrangement.  I have therefore identified, as an area for improvement, that ML Harwell should review its arrangements for periodic review to ensure that it adequately identifies all appropriate criteria for review.  Areas of improvement for compliance with LC15 have been discussed with the licensee but it is my opinion adequate arrangements have been made and implemented for Periodic Review.

The licensee was able to demonstrate from the facilities inspected; and the staff interviewed during the inspection, that it complied with the requirements of LC 35.  The sample consisted of review of the ML arrangements and their implementation for the BEPO facility. I sampled the available decommissioning plans and lifetime plans and it is noted that the two have become mis-aligned.  This has been subject of ongoing wider discussion between Magnox Ltd (ML) and ONR.   From the sample of the LTP repair process in hand I am content that ML Harwell are taking appropriate steps to harmonise documentation and schedules with realistic dates and that no formal action is required.

Conclusion of Intervention

Overall, I consider that the arrangements and their associated implementation for LC14, LC15 and LC35 for the areas inspected met with the required standards.  I did not identify any matter adversely affecting nuclear safety that required immediate regulatory action.