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Magnox Hinkley Point A - remote interventions (LC32, LC33)

  • Site: Hinkley Point A
  • IR number: 20-094
  • Date: March 2021
  • LC numbers: 32, 33

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

The purpose of this remote intervention was to review the licence condition arrangements at Magnox Limited, Hinkley Point A site (HPA) in accordance with the 2020/21 Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) to confirm that the licensee is controlling its hazards and complying with its statutory obligations.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

The intervention focused on the licensee’s arrangements and their implementation (through remote interactions and a site visit) against the requirements of the following licence conditions:

  • Licence Condition 32 (accumulation of radioactive waste);
  • Licence Condition 33 (disposal of radioactive waste).

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate


Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

We examined the arrangements put in place by the licensee to establish whether they were compliant, and we were able to establish the linkage from the requirements set out in each of the licence conditions through to site implementation.

For each licence condition, we did not identify any significant shortfalls in the licensee’s formal arrangements. We consider that the standard of compliance was consistent with relevant good practice and are satisfied that the licensee is complying with its legal duties.

Conclusion of Intervention

From the evidence available to be sampled remotely during this intervention, we judge that the licensee’s arrangements for compliance with Licence Conditions 32 and 33 meet the required standards. We did not identify any matter impacting on nuclear safety that requires immediate regulatory action.