- Site: Sellafield
- IR number: 21-025
- Date: May 2021
- LC numbers: 11
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) undertakes all regulatory interaction with the Sellafield site licensee (Sellafield Limited (SL)) against a strategy defined by the ONR Sellafield, Decommissioning, Fuel and Waste (SDFW) Division. The planned inspection schedule for 2021/22, identifies the Licence Conditions (LCs) that will be inspected during this period.
The purpose of this inspection was for ONR to determine the adequacy of implementation of SL’s arrangements for compliance with LC 11 (Emergency arrangements) at the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP).
The overall adequacy of SL's site-wide LC 11 arrangements is considered separately in other ONR interventions.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
I, the site inspector for THORP and Fuel Storage, carried out a planned LC 11 compliance inspection at THORP. The inspection focused on:
- THORP’s implementation of the SL arrangements for LC 11, including rehearsals;
- THORP’s application of any COVID-19 SL variations that apply to LC 11.
The inspection comprised discussions with SL staff, a review of records, the sampling of information contained within electronic databases and other documentation and a plant walkdown. In addition, I also observed an emergency drill.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Not applicable since this was not a safety system based inspection.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
I found that there were significant shortfalls in THORP’s emergency arrangements; I am of the opinion that these shortfalls were as a result of the inadequate implementation of a recent Management of Change to a position in THORP that impacted the Emergency Duty Team. A number of key documents had not been updated to reflect the change, and these were revealed during the inspection which coincidentally occurred after an event at the THORP facility where the Incident Controller could not be contacted by THORP or the Site. I am satisfied that the event in itself was not significant, but it did highlight the need to have made and implemented adequate emergency arrangements.
I was satisfied that THORP does have an adequate exercise and drill (rehearsal) programme in place that has been approved by the appropriate committee and has been implemented. I was also satisfied that THORP has complied with the SL corporate variation to support the drill and exercise programme throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic.
I provided regulatory advice to bridge the immediate compliance gap, and I am satisfied that this has been implemented. I now intend to follow up on the shortfalls using ONR’s established due process.
My findings were shared with, acknowledged and accepted by THORP’s Deputy Head of Operations.
Conclusion of Intervention
I found that THORP fell short of the standards expected for LC 11 and therefore I rated this inspection as Amber (seek improvement). I was satisfied that THORP is complying with the SL variation made in relation to COVID-19, and that THORP has produced and is running a rehearsal programme.