- Site: Dounreay
- IR number: 21-016
- Date: May 2021
- LC numbers: 6, 10, 12, 25, 36
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
The purpose of this inspection was to undertake Licence Condition (LC) compliance inspections at Dounreay in accordance with the 2021/22 inspection plan to confirm that the licensee is controlling its hazards and complying with its statutory obligations.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
ONR undertook inspections of the site’s arrangements and their implementation against the requirements of the following LCs:
- LC6 (Documents, Records, Authorities and Certificates)
- LC10 (Training)
- LC12 (Duly authorised and other suitably qualified and experienced persons)
- LC25 (Operational records)
- LC36 (Organisational capability)
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
The LC10 and LC12 compliance inspections examined arrangements in each of the key operational areas across the site. Adequate arrangements were in place to manage training. Training requirements were understood, and records of relevant training were held against the training matrix of the areas assessed. We judge that the Competence Definition Document is adequate for ensuring the technical competence of individuals appointed to roles. Overall, ONR is satisfied that the licensee (DSRL) has adequate arrangements for the training and provision of suitably qualified and experienced personnel.
The LC36 compliance inspection focused on previously identified minor shortfalls in the implementation of DSRL’s arrangements for managing organisational capability. DSRL is implementing action plans to address these areas for improvement and ONR is monitoring progress with these issues. Overall, ONR is satisfied that DSRL has adequate arrangements for organisational capability with only minor shortfalls in their implementation.
The LC6 compliance inspection focused on the implementation of the corporate arrangements for recording of regulatory correspondence, specifically Licence Instruments and Formal Letters and, for material accountancy, specifically the management of records including the storage, retention and the authorities for change and configuration control. The LC25 compliance inspection focused on the adequacy of material accountancy records. ONR is satisfied that DSRL continues to maintain adequate documents, records, authorities and certificates and operational records for material accountancy records.
Conclusion of Intervention
We consider that the arrangements and their associated implementation for LC6, LC10, LC12, LC25 and LC36 in the areas inspected met with the required standards. We did not identify any matter impacting on nuclear safety that required any further immediate regulatory action.