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AWE Aldermaston site meetings

  • Site: AWE Aldermaston
  • IR number: 21-046
  • Date: July 2021
  • LC numbers: N/A

Executive summary

Purpose of intervention

This was a planned inspection of life fire safety in AWE’s Main Production Facility (MPF) at AWE Aldermaston, undertaken as part of the planned intervention strategy for the Operating Facilities Division (OFD) of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).
The work carried out was in-line with the planned inspection programme contained in the AWE Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS).

The purpose of this intervention was to ensure that the Licensee was showing compliance with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Interventions carried out by ONR

The intervention focused on both the management of fire safety arrangements, and the practical fire safety provisions within the MPF, and included an update from management and subsequent assessment of progress of the fire alarm replacement project for the facility.

  • Prior to my arrival on site I examined the current fire risk assessment for the MPF that was completed in 2020 by AWE’s fire safety team.
  • Meetings were conducted to assess the approach being taken to the management of fire safety and the testing and maintenance of the fire safety systems across the main production facility, during which I was accompanied and assisted by ONR’s nominated site inspector, and an independent INA assessor.
  • I had discussions with facility managers, the site fire safety team, and fire systems engineers, in order to understand and assess the progress of an adequate action plan designed to address the issues identified in RI-7442 relating to fire alarm replacement project life fire safety issues and recommendations.
  • I undertook planned walk-downs of the basement and ground floor areas within the MPF (see the main body of the report) to assess the practical application of the fire safety strategy, during which I highlighted several examples of obstacles and poor housekeeping arrangements which were presenting issues that compromise the adequate application of the fire safety strategy.
  • I used the relevant legislation (The Fire Safety Order 2005) relating to this inspection to focus on life fire safety, not nuclear fire safety issues. During my inspection, I challenged those accompanying me, and others about procedures and approaches to the practical application of maintaining adequate fire safety provision.

Explanation of judgement if safety system not judged to be adequate

Not applicable.

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgements made

My overall assessment was that the management team demonstrated a willingness to ensure that fire safety is taken seriously, and applied accordingly within the MPF, and that they have identified and prioritised fire at an appropriate risk level within the facility. Throughout the inspection, all of those that I had contact with demonstrated an enthusiastic focus, support and attention to fire safety. I did however identify a number of locations during the actual walk-down of the facility where housekeeping, management of combustibles, and control of laydown areas required greater control and management.

The outcome of the meetings and walk down of the main production facility has resulted in a formal issue being raised, details of which are explained in the body of the report. In addition, a number of minor issues relating to fire doors that require attention to achieve full compliance with the relevant legislation were noted and recorded.

It is my assessment from the inspection that the FM and other relevant managers understand the challenges that exist within the facility relating to life fire safety, as well as ONR’s expectation that these challenges will be addressed in a timely fashion. Continued engagement between the FM, the AWE Fire Safety Team, and the ONR Site Inspector will ensure that a satisfactorily closing out the formal issue will  be quickly achieved, and the inspection clearly demonstrated the importance of the high degree of focus required to manage fire safety in a facility of this nature and design.

Conclusion of intervention

The inspection concluded with an assessment of compliance with the legislation, and a summary of the inspection findings, which were presented at a wash-up meeting with the Facility Management Team, during which deficiencies and areas for improvement were confirmed, the requirements for closing out the existing issue RI-7442 clearly explained, as well recognised areas of good practice.

The facility management understand that in order for the fire safety strategy for these facilities to be fully effective, it is necessary that all members of staff are aware of the fire strategy, and all of the fire risk assessment requirements that apply to them. The application of all appropriate fire safety management control measures, along with an appropriate Action Plan that ensures that all fire safety systems will continue to operate and afford the required degree of protection, forms a significant aspect of the fire safety strategy. Therefore, despite the need to raise a formal issue relating to housekeeping, I have rated the outcome of this inspection as GREEN.