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MEH 9 intervention on the suite of project enablers required to support the Bulk MEH hold point

  • Site: Hinkley Point C
  • IR number: 21-020
  • Date: July 2021
  • LC numbers: 17

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This intervention is part of the current Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR’s) Strategy for regulating Hinkley Point C (HPC).  ONR performs a series of planned interventions, to ensure that NNB Generation Company (HPC) Ltd (NNB GenCo) is proportionately and adequately developing and implementing its licence compliance arrangements commensurate to the stage of the project.

The Mechanical, Electrical and HVAC (MEH) programme represents a significant increase in the complexity of the project and the purpose of this intervention was for ONR to gain confidence in how key enabling systems will support Hinkley Point C during the MEH installation phase.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

ONR conducted a Licence Condition (LC)17 intervention, which involved sampling the arrangements, interviews with staff and demonstrations of the live systems.

ONR assessed NNB GenCo’s LC arrangements against relevant good practice, which included ONR regulatory guidance, specifically relevant Technical Inspection Guides and Technical Assessment Guides.

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

Overall, it was evident, based on the discussions and evidence provided during the intervention, that NNB GenCo’s five key enabling systems are at different stages of maturity but that they provide appropriate functionality and data integrity to support the MEH programme. 

NNB GenCo were able to provide live demonstrations of the five key enabling systems and their associated tactical solutions, which ONR found to be generally adequate, although some potential minor shortfalls were noted which will be followed up.
NNB GenCo has developed a number of interim tactical solutions ahead of enduring strategic solutions being implemented. NNB GenCo need to ensure that criteria for the transition to the longer-term solutions is clearly defined to ensure a successful migration of data and user base.

ONR acknowledge that post the MEH permissioning point there is a planned increase in resources from Q1 2022. Therefore, ONR will seek further assurance over the next 6 -12 months, once the systems have been stress tested, as to whether they deliver the required functionality while maintaining data integrity.

Conclusion of Intervention

Overall, ONR judged that an inspection rating of green, no formal action, is appropriate. This is because overall we found that NNB GenCo have IT solutions in place for the MEH phase of the project, which were found to be adequate.

No specific areas for improvement were highlighted and therefore no regulatory issue was raised following this intervention.