- Site: Sellafield
- IR number: 21-010
- Date: July 2021
- LC numbers: N/A
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
In accordance with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) safeguards inspection and assessment plan 2021/22 for Sellafield, ONR safeguards carries out safeguards compliance inspections at the Sellafield Limited (SL) site. One such intervention was performed to inspect Sellafield’s compliance within the Remediation Value Stream with the requirements of the Nuclear Safeguards (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (NSR19) in relation to nuclear material accountancy. For this intervention the Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor (AGR) Fuel Storage Pond was selected, and the inspection planned as an accountancy focused compliance inspection.
This inspection sought evidence of arrangements and their implementation to make judgements of compliance against the following regulations in NSR19: -
- Regulation 6 – Accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material
- Regulation 9 – Operation of Accountancy and Control Plan
- Regulation 10 – Operating Records
- Regulation 11 – Accounting Records
- Regulation 12 – Accounting Reports
- Regulation 14 – Inventory Change Records
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
I carried out an accountancy compliance inspection, focussing on the AGR Fuel Storage Pond, material balance area (MBA) QS08, at the Sellafield nuclear licensed site. The inspection comprised of discussions with Sellafield staff, reviews of operating and accounting records, and a plant walkdown.
The inspection targeted the completeness and correctness of the operating and accounting records (source documentation) which underpinned a sample of batches I selected of Qualifying Nuclear Material (QNM) declared in the accountancy reports for this facility. The inspection also targeted whether these source documents were traceable to the accountancy reports and whether arrangements for generation of source documentation and accountancy reports at the AGR Fuel Storage Pond were adequately implemented.
The intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides) in the areas inspected.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
No significant or minor shortfalls in compliance against NSR19 were identified during this intervention.
Based on the sample I inspected, I judge Sellafield has adequately implemented their arrangements for nuclear material accountancy and control of QNM in QS08. I judged the sampled operating and accounting records to be compliant with NSR19 Regulations 10 and 11 respectively. I also judged that these records were traceable to and underpin the declarations within the accountancy reports submitted to ONR under Regulations 12 and 14 of NSR19
Based on the plant walkdown and discussions I held with the key Sellafield staff, on plant and within the nuclear material accountancy and safeguards team, I judge that Sellafield are implementing their arrangements as described in their Accountancy and Control Plan (ACP) as required by NSR19 Regulation 9 and that implementation of these arrangements is providing appropriate accountancy and control of qualifying nuclear material within this MBA as required in NSR19 Regulation 6.
I reviewed documentation regarding AGR Fuel Storage Pond records at (QS08) and inspected a sample of these. I made several observations and provided Sellafield with regulatory advice that they should consider further methods to ensure all documentation is completed as per their arrangements which they accepted. I was satisfied that the remaining records sampled were adequate and therefore judged Sellafield to be compliant against NSR19 Regulations 6, 10, 11, 12 and 14.
Conclusion of Intervention
Based on the sample inspected during the intervention, I judge that Sellafield are implementing their arrangements for accountancy and control of QNM in-line with regulatory expectations and are compliant with NSR19 Regulations 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14. I did not identify any significant or minor shortfalls.
Upon consideration of the ONR guidance on inspection ratings, I judge that a rating of GREEN (no formal action) is appropriate. No regulatory issues will be raised.