- Site: AWE Aldermaston
- IR number: 21-064
- Date: August 2021
- LC numbers: N/A
Executive summary
Purpose of intervention
In accordance with the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Strategy, each year ONR performs a series of planned interventions at nuclear licensed sites. This intervention forms part of ONR’s 2020/2021 Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) for the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE).
The purpose of this intervention was for ONR to examine the adequacy of the arrangements that AWE has in place to manage its construction activities on its licensed site and to judge the compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
This one-day intervention was carried out by an ONR Nuclear Internal Hazards and Site Safety (NIHSS) specialist inspector on 18th August 2021. I prepared an agenda for the intervention and shared with AWE prior to the intervention (CM9 reference 2021/0063728). The intervention focused entirely on the demolition of the A** building. During the intervention, I strictly adhered with control measures outlined within ONR-GEN-GD-022 (Visit to licensee and other duty-holder premises and other relevant locations during the COVID-19 pandemic) and the local COVID-secure control measures at AWE.
The intervention comprised of discussions with AWE staff, the Principal Contractor working responsible for the demolition site, a site walk-downs of the A** demolition site locations accompanied by AWE and HSL staff, and sampling of associated records.
Regulatory advice and judgement were based on determining compliance with Sections 2 and 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the relevant statutory provisions made under the Act, particularly the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. I also consulted relevant good practice BS 6187:2011 - Code of practice for full and partial demolition.
For the inspection ratings I referred to the ONR General Inspection Guidance (ONR-INSP-GD-064).
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
I identified the following areas of good practice:
AWE’s level of oversight and scrutiny of this project was good. They were able to provide evidence of regular Risk Based Inspections that concentrated in the correct areas and provided reassurance that the demolition contractor was controlling the risks.
- The correct level of cooperation and communication by the Principal Contractor, with the surrounding AWE facilities on site to keep them informed of key phases of the project and allay fears of risks to production and safety posed by demolition activities.
- The control of the key risks of segregating pedestrians away from danger zones, unplanned collapses, uncontrolled generation of dust and vehicle movements were well controlled by the Principal Contractor at the Demolition site.
I provided regulatory advice on:
- The organisation Amentum were brought in by AWE to assist with the project as a Client/Partner and act as the Principal Designer. The Client/Partner role should be clarified by AWE to establish what duties Amentum have under CDM 2015.
- The Principal Contractor use a 3-metre-high mat of rubble that their demolition machines use as a working platform to reduce the vibration impact of the demolition works. I asked that the inspections related to me a control to ensure stability of this mat are formally recorded and included on the Temporary Works register.
Conclusion of Intervention
From the evidence I sampled during this intervention, I was satisfied that the risks for the project to demolish A** were being controlled. I found no significant shortfalls in compliance with CDM 2015 and other relevant statutory provisions. As a result, I judged the follow-up on this intervention merited a ‘Green’ (No Formal Action) rating.