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Heysham 1 - Licence Condition 7 Compliance Inspection; Annual Review of Safety and Intelligence Gathering

  • Site: Heysham 1
  • IR number: 21-093
  • Date: October 2021
  • LC numbers: 7

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This was a planned inspection of EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd.’s (NGL’s) Heysham 1 Power Station, undertaken as part of the planned intervention strategy for the Operating Facilities Division (OFD) of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).

The work was carried out in accord with the planned inspection programme contained in the Heysham 1 Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) for 2021/22.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

As part of this intervention I, the nominated site inspector, carried out a planned inspection against:

Licence condition (LC) 7 – Incidents on the site.

The purpose of LC7 is to ensure that incidents on the site are notified, recorded, investigated and reported by the licensee.

The intervention was performed in line with ONR’s guidance requirements (as described in our technical inspection guides).

In addition, the superintending inspector for the civil nuclear operating reactors, the nominated site inspector and security inspector also attended the annual review of safety. The annual review of safety is a routine meeting where the safety performance of Heysham 1 over the previous year, as well as a summary of future planned activities are presented and discussed.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate

No system based inspection was undertaken; therefore this is not applicable for this intervention.

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The inspection sampled the adequacy of arrangements for the management of actions generated from the internal reporting of plant defects; observations; shortfalls in standards and expectations and investigations.  I took the opportunity to observe the weekly screening meeting where these internal reports are presented and sentenced.  I noted good representation and challenge from key engineering, operational and safety department staff.

One minor regulatory issue was generated associated from the number of overdue operational learning actions. This issue will require the licensee to review and improve arrangements to ensure timely completion of actions.

The inspection also sampled the trending tools and reports used by the site to determine, amongst other things, whether plant and safety performance is improving or operational learning themes/topics require additional focus. I noted that the trending of operational learning data and the critical self-assessment of the effectiveness of operational learning as good practice.

Albeit one minor regulatory issue was generated from the inspection, overall I judged that the licensee adequately demonstrated compliance with the requirements of LC7 and therefore rated this inspection as Green, no formal action.

We were also satisfied that a comprehensive annual review of safety had been presented which clearly identified the successes and challenges faced at Heysham 1.  We noted that licensee staff had thoroughly prepared and were knowledgeable of the subject matter presented. We observed positive open dialogue during the plant tour and meeting with licensee staff.

As part of the annual review, a comprehensive plant tour was conducted which did not identify any issues in the areas of plant inspected.  We noted that the use of white LED lighting within plant areas greatly assisted with maintaining good housekeeping standards and improved oversight of the material condition of facilities.

In addition, from the sample of physical arrangements inspected I was content that the licensee were adequately implementing measures to reduce the risks associated with COVID-19 transmission.  The site continue to utilise thermal imaging at site entrances; hand sanitiser stations; disinfectant and cleaning materials in all offices.

Conclusion of Intervention

There were no findings from this inspection that could significantly undermine nuclear safety.  At present, no additional regulatory action is needed over and above the planned interventions at Heysham 1 Power Station as set out in the Integrated Intervention Strategy, which will continue as planned.