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Berkeley, LC11 site Emergency Exercise ‘EXMOOR’

  • Site: Berkeley
  • IR number: 21-131
  • Date: November 2021
  • LC numbers: 11

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This inspection was to judge the adequacy of the Site’s emergency arrangements made under Licence Condition (LC) 11, through observing an emergency exercise.  The inspection was part of a series of planned compliance inspections of the Berkeley Site for 2021/22. 

ONR has, since the last observed exercise at Berkeley site, approved an update to Magnox Ltd’s accident and emergency arrangements at the site.  This update was made to comply with their obligations under REPPIR 19 and to bring the plans and terminology up to date.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

The ONR inspectors observed aspects of emergency exercise ‘Exmoor’ held on 17th November 2021 to judge the adequacy of the response to an agreed scenario.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate


Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The scenario involved two workers repairing the flat roof above the maintenance workshop.  One of the workers was supposed to have inhaled vapours from a component of the material being used to repair the roof and in doing so, stumbles and falls over, is knocked unconscious and splashes potentially dangerous chemicals onto their co-worker.  The response from site was prompt and systematic.  

From the evidence examined I judged that the licensee’s implementation of its Emergency arrangements under LC11 is adequate.

The ONR team provided feedback to the site on the inspection findings at a close-out meeting with management representatives.

Conclusion of Intervention

I am satisfied that the licensee has implemented adequate arrangements for dealing with any accident or emergency arising on site.