- Site: RRSL
- IR number: 21-122
- Date: November 2021
- LC numbers: 11
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
This intervention was conducted to determine, through an emergency demonstration exercise, if RRSL can adequately implement its arrangements to ensure compliance with Licence Condition 11 (Emergency Arrangements). This intervention fulfils the requirement set by ONR for RRSL to demonstrate its emergency management capability on an annual basis, based on a safety-driven scenario.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
Licence Condition 11 (LC 11) requires the licensee to make and implement adequate arrangements to deal with any accident or emergency arising on the site and to ensure that such arrangements are rehearsed periodically.
ONR’s inspection, which comprised an assessment of a site-wide emergency demonstration exercise (Exercise Fossa) that was planned and managed by the licensee, was completed in accordance with the following ONR guidance:
- NS-INSP-GD-011 – LC 11 – On-Site Emergency Arrangements. Issue 7.1. March 2021
Through discussion with ONR, RRSL developed a challenging and diverse scenario for this exercise that focused on a fire in an electrical substation. It had multiple facets, including the possibility for a criticality, two casualties and contamination control issues. The scenario involved significant command and control challenges in terms of dealing with the fire, casualty recovery, overall emergency response and associated facility roll calls. Derbyshire Constabulary and Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service participated in the exercise and as such a coordinated multi-agency response was required.
The exercise was assessed by two ONR inspectors and a Nuclear Associate located at strategic positions around the site.
This inspection was rated based on the ONR inspection rating system guidance as explained ONR-INSP-GD-064 - ONR ‘General Inspection Guide’.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
This was a challenging exercise scenario that placed demands on RRSL’s tactical and operational emergency response coordination. A number of areas of good practice were noted, including operational situation briefings being clear and concise, with identified focus areas and actions; and the tally count and dosimetry rooms completing their tasks in an expedient and calm manner.
However, ONR considered that the length of time taken to extinguish the fire and recover one of the casualties was longer than necessary, which, in the opinion of the assessment team, was due to a lack of situational awareness in the Emergency Control Centre (ECC), caused by suboptimal information flow within the ECC and over involvement of the ECC controller in the detail of the event.
The findings of the assessment team were shared with the licensee during a hot feedback. The licensee received the feedback openly.
Conclusion of Intervention
On the basis of the aforementioned findings, ONR requires RRSL to redemonstrate the Emergency Control Centre aspect of the exercise. A rating of Amber is assigned to this inspection.