- Site: Sellafield
- IR number: 21-025 (SAF)
- Date: November 2021
- LC numbers: N/A
Executive summary
This inspection was one of programme of planned inspections at Sellafield Ltd. during 2021/22, developed in accordance with the Safeguards Sub-Division strategy. This inspection was a Safeguards Systems-Based Inspection assessing the adequacy of systems, structures and components (SSC’s) integral to Nuclear Material Accountancy and Control (NMAC).
Purpose of Intervention
This intervention aimed to inspect (on a sampled basis) that relevant SSC’s within the QS01 and QS13 Material Balance Areas (MBAs) relating to NMAC are fit for purpose and implemented in a proportionate and appropriate manner.
The inspection aimed to obtain assurance that:
- The SSC’s in place are proportionate and appropriate for the Basic Technical Characteristics (BTC) of the qualifying nuclear facility.
- The sampled SSC’s are fit for purpose.
- The sampled SSC’s are implemented in line with the Operator’s Accountancy and Control Plan (ACP) and other Operator arrangements.
- The sampled SSC’s meet ONR’s regulatory expectations as detailed in the ONR Guidance for Nuclear Material Accountancy, Control and Safeguards (ONMACS).
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
The Sellafield Remediation areas of the Oxide Fuel Storage Pond Bays 2-5 (QS01) and Bay 1 (QS13) were targeted in this inspection. The systems sampled were the computerised nuclear material accountancy system (CNMAS) and associated identification systems.
I examined evidence to determine compliance against four key Fundamental Safeguards Expectations (FSEs). These FSEs (listed below) have been selected in view of their importance to NMACS and in providing a structured approach to determining whether the Operator’s arrangements have been implemented adequately through the system being inspected. ONR assessed compliance against the following FSEs using applicable inspection guidance:
- FSE 3 – Competence Management
- FSE 5 – Reliability, Resilience and Sustainability
- FSE 7 – Nuclear Material Tracking
- FSE 8 – Data Processing and Control
This intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance (as described in the relevant technical inspection guides, which can be found on our website.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
During the inspection no non-compliances or shortfalls were identified.
For the four FSE’s (3, 5, 7, 8) I sampled arrangements, operator records, supporting documentation, and held discussions with key members of staff relevant to the SSC’s sampled. I judged that on the evidence sampled the Operator is adequately implementing their arrangements for the SSC’s sampled and that in doing so they broadly meet ONR’s regulatory expectations as detailed in ONMACS (FSE’s 3, 5, 7 and 8). I therefore assigned a GREEN rating for the four FSE’s inspected.
I gave two pieces of regulatory advice regarding uncertainty in exact locations of nuclear material items within the MBA and updating of the ACP. In particular I noted that Sellafield, and the previous regulator Euratom, acknowledged this as an area for improvement and Sellafield had begun work to address this but that ongoing progress was not clear. Therefore I felt it proportionate to provide regulatory advice to continue that work and to provide further details. A Level 4 Regulatory Issue was raised to capture appropriate actions and timescales.
I made three safeguards observations and one safety observation.
Conclusion of Intervention
No matters requiring immediate regulatory attention were identified during this inspection. I identified no non-compliances or shortfalls.
I judged SL’s SSCs, their arrangements and subsequent implementation to meet regulatory expectations.
Based on the evidence sampled and noting the ONR’s inspection rating guidance I judge that ratings of GREEN with no formal action is merited for the four FSE’s inspected (3, 5, 7 and 8).