- Site: AWE
- IR number: 21-113
- Date: November 2021
- LC numbers: 22
Executive summary
Purpose of intervention
ONR undertook a reactive inspection of the Atomic Weapons Establishment’s (AWE’s) readiness to operate new X-ray equipment in the C** facility. The purpose of the inspection was to seek evidence of the adequate installation and safe operation of the X-ray equipment within the facility to inform ONR’s decision in response to AWE’s request under Licence Condition 22(1) for ONR’s agreement to implement the Asset Change Request (ACR) for installation and commissioning of the replacement X-Ray system.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
The ONR project inspector and Human Factors specialist inspector carried out a readiness inspection at the Aldermaston site to assess the adequate implementation of arrangements to safely commence active commissioning and operation of the X-ray equipment in the C** facility in accordance with the safety case.
The inspection comprised, desk-top based discussions, review of documentation and inspection the facility. The inspection was conducted in accordance with the relevant ONR guidance for readiness inspections, ONR-INSP-GD-059 Revision 8 (Appendix 1M) and the ONR Inspection guidance for licence condition 22, NS-INSP-GD-022 Revision 6.
Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate
N/A – This was not a systems based inspection.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
Overall, I am satisfied that the design and installation of the replacement X-Ray equipment within the facility was demonstrated to comply with Relevant Good Practice. The licensee also demonstrated compliance to its LC22 modifications and Asset Change Request procedures.
Two observations related to key controls in the facility were noted, and some procedural controls were not yet fully complete at the time of inspection. The specific actions to address these were agreed with the licensee and will be verified closed prior to permission being granted.
Conclusion of Intervention
Based on the evidence sampled at the time of this inspection, I consider that the licensee has adequately implemented its arrangements for compliance with LC 22 (Modification or experiment on existing plant). I therefore consider that an inspection rating of Green is merited.
Based on the evidence sampled at the time of this intervention, I consider that the licensee has adequately demonstrated their ability to safely undertake activities for active commissioning and operation of the C** facility, once the agreed actions have been completed. These actions will be managed through a Level 4 Regulatory Issue, to track the licensee’s progress to closure.
This Intervention Record will be used as part of the evidence to recommend the release of ONR regulatory hold point C**/HP01 once the identified actions have been verified complete.