- Site: Barrow
- IR number: 21-136
- Date: December 2021
- LC numbers: 17
Executive summary
Purpose of Intervention
The inspection purpose was to gain regulatory confidence that BAESML has implemented adequate LC17 (Management Systems) arrangements to control the quality of D58 IF1 crane components that deliver Category A Safety Functions.
This inspection was a reactive inspection following an increase in BAESML’s safety function classification for the IF1 crane and took place by phone conference call with BAESML and subsequently at Allerton Steel’s premises in Northallerton (the crane main beam construction sub-contractor).
This work supports the ONR (Operating Facilities Division - propulsion) Site Redevelopment Programme (SRP) D58 facility permissioning strategy.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
The inspection aimed to gain regulatory confidence that BAESML has implemented adequate arrangements made under Licence Condition 17 (Management Systems) (LC17) to control the quality of structures, systems and components (SSC), of the main (IF1) crane, with adequate evidence to support the engineering substantiation claims.
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
We found BAESML has implemented adequate LC17 (Management Systems) arrangements to control the quality of D58 IF1 crane components that deliver Category A Safety Functions into its suppliers (SCX and Allerton Steel)
BAESML was able to adequately demonstrate how the changes in safety function class had been implemented from its safety case, into the specification, through the welding process schedules and into manufacture of the main crane beam with adequate quality control processes and 3rd party oversight and certification.
We judged that the material traceability records and third-party certification of the materials was in line with our regulatory expectations.
When inspecting the control of welding processes, material grades and dimensional aspects of the IF1 crane, which deliver the required safety function requirements, minor shortfalls were found which the licensee agreed to address. We judged the shortfalls were not significant from a nuclear safety perspective.
Conclusion of Intervention
We found BAESML has implemented adequate LC17 (Management Systems) arrangements to control the quality of D58 IF1 crane components that deliver Category A Safety Functions.
We judged an assessment rating of GREEN (no formal action) appropriate.