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LC compliance inspection (LC32 and LC34) and attendance at the DSSG and HNOEPG

  • Site: Dounreay
  • IR number: 21-139
  • Date: December 2021
  • LC numbers: 32, 34

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

The purpose of this inspection was to examine compliance with arrangements made under Licence Condition (LC) in accordance with the 2021/22 Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) to confirm that the licensee is controlling its hazards and complying with its statutory obligations.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

ONR undertook inspections of the site’s arrangements and their implementation against the requirements of the following LCs:

  • LC26 – Control and supervision of operations
  • LC32 – Accumulation of radioactive waste.
  • LC34 - Leakage and escape of radioactive material and radioactive waste.

The intervention also provided the opportunity to conduct a number of L4 Regulatory Interface Meetings to receive updates and briefings on:

  • LLW Pits project.
  • Dounreay Cementation Plant Store Extension.
  • The Integrated Waste Strategy.

The Nominated Site Inspector also took the opportunity to conduct a plant visit to the off-site test facility.

The Nominated Site Inspector also attended a public meeting of the Dounreay Sites Stakeholders Group and the Highland Council Nuclear Off-Site Emergency Planning Group.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate

Not applicable.

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

The LC32 and LC34 compliance inspections focused on the implementation of the corporate arrangements within Dounreay Fast Reactor (DFR) Dounreay Materials Test Reactor (DMTR), and Waste Reduction and Super-Compaction (WRACS) facility.

Overall, for each licence condition, we are broadly content that DSRL continues to demonstrate adequate compliance against their legal duties, however, we identified three minor shortfalls associated with increased amounts of radioactive waste being accumulated on the site as a result in the site wide review of the waste fingerprints.  There is clear evidence of satisfactory progress being made to complete the site-wide fingerprinting exercise with a number of waste routes now being enabled to support the recommencement of decommissioning projects.  DSRL anticipates that it will have satisfactorily addressed this accumulation of radioactive waste by Q2 of 2022/23; and ONR will confirm progress at future site visits.

Conclusion of Intervention

Overall, we consider that DSRL’s arrangements for LC32 and LC34 in the areas inspected are adequate.  We did not identify any matter impacting on nuclear safety that required any further immediate regulatory action.