- Site: Hinkley Point A
- IR number: 21-033 (SAF)
- Date: December 2021
- LC numbers: N/A
Executive summary
This inspection was one of programme of planned inspections at Sellafield Limited during 2021/22, developed in accordance with the Safeguards Sub-Division strategy. This inspection was a compliance inspection of operator arrangements against Nuclear Safeguards Regulations 2019 (NSR19).
Purpose of Intervention
The purpose of an Accountancy Focused Inspection is to examine operating and accounting records to establish a correct set of data and to provide confidence to ONR that the operator has an adequate nuclear material accountancy and control system established.
This intervention was conducted remotely and inspected nuclear material accountancy arrangements at the Magnox Limited Hinkley Point A (QHLA) site. The objectives of the inspection were to confirm compliance with Regulations 9, 10, 11, 12 (1, 2) and 29 of NSR19.
Interventions Carried Out by ONR
This intervention was performed in line with ONR's guidance (as described in the relevant technical inspection guides, which can be found on ONR’s website (https://www.onr.org.uk). This inspection was conducted jointly with an ONR Safety Inspection of Licence Conditions 7 and 11 (CM9: 2021/93129).
The inspection targeted:
- The adequacy and adequate implementation of local instructions or arrangements for QNM accountancy and control at QHLA
- Verification of an accountancy sample and the implementation of data processing arrangements for production of the statutory accountancy reports required under NSR19
- The adequate management of the competence of key safeguards personnel at QHLA
- The adequacy of INF1 reporting of safeguards finds and the integration with corporate incident reporting arrangements
Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made
I undertook discussions with the Magnox Limited staff responsible for Nuclear Material Accountancy, Control, and Safeguards (NMAC&S) at QHLA and examined the on-plant arrangements in place for NMAC&S as part of waste retrievals. I judged that the staff demonstrated an adequate understanding of the written instructions. During discussions with Magnox Limited staff, I judged a minor shortfall against ONR’s expectations under MACE 7.1 of ONMACS for the storage of fuel fragment finds. Magnox Limited have proposed a solution that I judge is proportionate for the Qualifying Nuclear Material (QNM) within QHLA and is consistent with arrangements at other Magnox Limited sites. I have therefore raised a Level 4 Regulatory Issue to track the implementation.
I examined the source documentation (operating and accounting records) for a sample of accountancy transactions in the 2021 accountancy reports for QHLA and judged these to be in line with regulatory expectations.
I sampled the Magnox Limited reports for unexpected fuel finds and consider that Magnox is meeting ONR’s expectations in ONR-OPEX-GD-001 with regards to reporting QNM finds during waste retrievals. This aligned with the findings of the ONR Safety inspector who examined Magnox Limited’s INF1 arrangements for Safety-related incidents (CM9: 2021/93129).
Conclusion of Intervention
No matters requiring immediate regulatory attention were identified during this inspection.
Based on the inspection sample I judge Magnox Limited is compliant with the requirements for nuclear material accountancy set out in NSR19, specifically, Regulations 9, 10, 11, 12, 29, and the reporting schemes set out in Part 2 and noting ONR guidance on inspection ratings, I consider this inspection to merit a rating of GREEN with two Level 4 Regulatory Issues raised and one area of good practise observed.