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Rolls Royce Submarines Limited, Raynesway, Derby - Licence Condition 36 inspection

  • Site: RRSL
  • IR number: 21-131
  • Date: December 2021
  • LC numbers: 36

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

This inspection of Rolls Royce Submarines Ltd (RRSL) was held remotely in December 2021. The objectives were to judge the adequacy of RRSL’s nuclear baseline against the expectations set out in Principles 1 and 2 of ONR Guide NS-TAST-GD-065 Rev. 4: ‘Function and Content of the Nuclear Baseline’, and to consider the adequacy of any plans RRSL may have in place to broaden the scope of the baseline. This intervention was carried out in accordance with ONR divisional plans for this dutyholder.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

This was a compliance inspection of Licence Condition (LC) 36: ‘Organisational Capability’. The Inspection followed guidance taken from ONR Guide NS-TAST-GD-065 Rev. 4: ‘Function and Content of the Nuclear Baseline’ [Principles 1 and 2] and comprised of a remote discussion with RRSL staff and a review of RRSL documentation.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate

Not applicable

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

RRSL’s review of its current baseline has resulted in several roles being identified which may impact upon nuclear safety either directly or indirectly, but which have not previously been subject to RRSL’s arrangements for managing organisational change. Although RRSL has not yet added these roles to its nuclear baseline, RRSL is now aware of the importance of these roles for nuclear safety and has adequate plans to include these roles on its baseline in the new year. ONR’s inspector was therefore satisfied that whilst the absence of these roles from the baseline indicates shortfalls in RRSL’s arrangements to control any changes to its organisational structure or resources which may affect safety, that the risk to safety is low. As such, ONR’s inspector assigned an inspection rating of GREEN.

Conclusion of Intervention

ONR’s inspector is satisfied with the progress being made by RRSL in improving its arrangements for compliance with LC36. ONR will monitor RRSL’s progress during routine planned engagements throughout 2022.