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Torness - Inspection ID: 22-029

  • Site:Torness
  • IR number: 22-029
  • Date: May 2022
  • LC numbers: 14

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

The purpose of this intervention was to undertake a planned compliance inspection of the life fire / nuclear fire provisions at EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited’s (NGL’s) Torness power station during the statutory outage. The inspection was undertaken as part of the intervention strategy for Operating Facilities Division (OFD) of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).

Interventions Carried Out By ONR

This inspection assessed the implementation of arrangements for managing fire risks at Torness. This was achieved by reviewing compliance against the life safety requirements of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and examining compliance with the requirements of Licence Condition 14 Safety Documentation that requires NGL to make and implement adequate arrangements for the production and assessment of safety cases. The inspection was undertaken on the 24 May 2022 by ONR Life Fire Safety and Internal Hazards Inspectors.

The inspection took place whilst the station was in a planned outage period so that the arrangements for managing the increase in fire risks and any temporary fire arrangements could be assessed.

I assessed compliance using relevant ONR inspection guidance (as described in the technical inspection guides (TIGs) in the areas inspected. The inspection consisted of sampling relevant fire safety documentation (e.g. fire risk assessments and fire safety case claims), discussions with station representatives and plant walkdown to determine compliance.

Key Findings, Inspectors Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

Based on the discussions, explanations and the evidence sampled during the inspection, I considered the arrangements made under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 were adequate. In addition, I considered there were no significant shortfalls identified with the implementation of arrangements for LC 14 Safety Documentation in relation to nuclear fire safety management undertaken as part of the statutory outage. 

Conclusion of Intervention

From the evidence sampled during this inspection, I judged that there were no matters that have the potential to impact significantly on life fire or nuclear fire safety. Consequently, I am content that the implementation of arrangements made under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and LC14 Safety documentation are adequate and implemented appropriately for the licensee’s activities. I have rated the inspection as GREEN and no further regulatory activity is necessary at this time.

I also did not identify any fire safety issues that would impact on restart of the reactor following the statutory outage.