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Torness - Inspection ID: 22-048

  • Site: Torness
  • IR number: 22-048
  • Date: July 2022
  • LC numbers: 7

Executive summary

Purpose of Intervention

The purpose of this intervention was to undertake a licence condition (LC) 7 compliance inspection at EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited (NGL) Torness power station, in line with the inspection programme contained in the Torness integrated intervention strategy (IIS) for 2022/23.

The inspection also provided an opportunity to inspect the implementation of a sample of the arrangements established in relation to electrical safety at Torness.

The inspection was carried out by the Torness nominated site inspector,  electrical specialist inspector (remotely) with support from a nuclear associate. For the purposes of this report, the term “we” refers to the judgements and opinions formed by the site inspector, electrical specialist inspector and nuclear associate during this intervention.

Interventions Carried Out by ONR

We undertook a planned inspection of the implementation of the arrangements for LC 7 incidents on the site at Torness power station.

The inspection targeted the implementation of the arrangements for the notification, recording, investigation and reporting of incidents which occur on the site, of which there was a particular focus on electrical safety related events during this inspection.

Licence conditions are inspected against ONR’s published guidance requirements, as described in the technical inspection guides, which can be found at Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Compliance inspection - Technical inspection guides. Further information on integrated intervention strategy (IIS) ratings, is available at Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) - Intervention Records.

During this inspection, we also took the opportunity to observe progress achieved by Torness on a number of findings related to electrical safety identified during an electrical engineering LC 28 compliance inspection undertaken on 7 June 2022.

Explanation of Judgement if Safety System Not Judged to be Adequate

Not applicable.

Key Findings, Inspector's Opinions and Reasons for Judgements Made

Based on the discussions, explanations and the sample inspected, on this occasion, we were satisfied that there were no significant shortfalls identified with the implementation of the established arrangements for LC 7 incidents on the site. In particular, the reporting of events, screening of events and the identification of relevant issues for incidents with an electrical causation.

There were no significant issues identified during the follow up on the findings identified during the electrical engineering LC28 inspection undertaken on 7 June 2022, related to the implementation of the arrangements for the electrical safety aspects of temporary electrical supply cables. We were content with the actions and investigations taken by station representatives for the electrical safety findings. In addition, we were satisfied that Torness had acted in a timely manner to address any areas of specific interest.

All of the Torness staff spoken to throughout the course of this intervention presented a knowledgeable and professional approach and provided open and honest responses to our questions.

Conclusion of Intervention

We considered that the implementation of the LC 7 arrangements for the sample inspected, on this occasion to be adequate. Therefore, a ‘Green’ inspection, no formal action was awarded.