Executive summary
- Inspection date(s): 20/12/2022
Purpose of inspection
The aim of this inspection was to gain assurance that Magnox Swarf Storage Silo (MSSS) is compliant with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) and Licence Condition 11 (LC11), and associated Sellafield procedures and standards for work associated with operations within the facility.
Subject(s) of inspection
The following actives were the subject of this inspection:
- IRR17 - Rating - Green
- LC11 - Emergency arrangements - Rating - Green
Key findings
The inspection team comprised the Site Inspector for MSSS and a Radiation Protection Specialist Inspector. ONR undertook a planned two-day inspection of the MSSS arrangements for compliance with IRR17 and LC11 on the 18 and 19 October 2022. The inspection comprised discussions with Sellafield Ltd. personnel, review of records, documents and processes and a targeted walk down of MSSS.
Assurance was provided that Sellafield Ltd. (Retrievals (MSSS)) understands what the requirements are in terms of compliance with IRR17 and LC11 and that the Sellafield Ltd.
Corporate arrangements are being appropriately complied with. No significant matters were identified as requiring immediate regulatory attention.
The representatives of the licensee had an effective understanding of the requirements and of the site arrangements for their implementation.
No regulatory issues were raised however, a condition report was raised by the Sellafield Ltd. RPA following the observation of poor health physics monitoring practices in the facility. I will also raise this with the corporate RP team, as this could be a site wide training and awareness issue.
Judgements made
From the evidence sampled during the inspection, I consider that MSSS has effectively implemented its arrangements for compliance with IRR17; Ionising Radiations Regulations and I have assigned an inspection rating of Green (no formal action) to be appropriate.
From the evidence sampled during the inspection, I consider that MSSS has effectively implemented its arrangements for compliance with LC11 and have assigned an inspection rating of Green (no formal action) to be appropriate for compliance against LC11: Emergency Arrangements.