Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
To inspect the duty holders compliance with the requirements of LC 18 (Radiological Protection) and the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017.
Subject(s) of inspection
- IRR17 - Rating - Green
- LC 18 - Radiological protection - Rating - Green
Key Findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
ONR provided an outline inspection scope (2022/0057551) to enable the site to prepare for the inspection. The scope identified topics ONR expected to cover during the inspection and the information required prior to the inspection.
ONR inspected the EdF Limited Dungeness B site to review compliance with the following legislation and relevant good practice (RGP):
- IRR17, its related Approved Code of Practice and guidance and the implementation of those arrangements on the Nuclear Licensed Site.
- ONR’s Technical Inspection Guide for LC18 Radiological Protection.
The intervention comprised inspection of facilities on site including locations designated as Radiation Controlled Areas, interviews, meetings and discussions on documents provided as evidence of compliance with IRR17.
We sampled and reviewed the licensee’s arrangements against the IRR17 provisions listed in paragraph 10 of this Assessment Report, and the implementation of those arrangements at the Dungeness B site. Based on the evidence sampled at the time of this inspection, it is our judgement that Dungeness B is implementing effective arrangements for compliance with the requirements of IRR17 and LC18. We also highlighted opportunities for the licensee to improve consistency with published relevant good practice.
I judged Dungeness B’s implementation of its IRR17 and LC18 arrangements to be adequate (meet regulatory expectations) in the areas inspected.
Many examples of RGP were demonstrated during the intervention and some matters of IRR17 administrative compliance were identified. Where appropriate, these matters have been raised as Level 4 Regulatory Issues.
It is my judgement that EdF, at the Dungeness B site, is complying with those elements sampled, outlined in paragraph 14 of this AR, from IRR17 and LC18. I therefore assign a rating of GREEN.