Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
This inspection was a targeted unannounced out of hours inspection at Hinkley Point C (HPC) to gain assurance of adequacy of arrangements for control of conventional safety hazards.
Subject(s) of inspection
Health & Safety at Work Act - Rating - Amber
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
From the areas that were inspected during this inspection we are satisfied that NNB Generation Company (HPC) Ltd (NNB GenCo) is managing most health and safety risks in line with relevant legislation, and good practices were observed. Plant inspections were undertaken in balance of plant (BOP), nuclear island (NI) and conventional island (CI) areas. In general, activities observed were well planned and were being adequately controlled. However, some notable shortfalls were identified particularly in relation to the adequacy of control over backfill operations adjacent to the raw water supply and storage (HOR) building and the planned sequencing of these activities.
Overall, based upon the evidence obtained during the inspection, whilst activities were generally observed to be well planned and controlled, there were specific shortfalls identified in relation to backfill activities. The intervention has therefore been rated AMBER, which reflects the shortfalls identified. A level 3 regulatory issue will be raised to ensure that the measures to remedy the shortfalls have been effectively implemented.