Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection
- October 2022
Aim of inspection
ONR is the Enforcing Authority for Section 6 ( general duties of manufacturers) of the Health & Safety of Work Act 1974, in certain circumstances, for the provision of items to GB nuclear facilities. As part of our Enforcing Authority role ONR have developed a regulatory approach that while primarily focussing on the adequacy of the licensees’ supply chain management arrangements, also considers the adequacy of arrangements in its higher risk suppliers. The purpose of this vendor inspection is to gain confidence in ULTRA ENERGY’s arrangements for supply chain management (SCM) and procurement activities for nuclear safety related items or services.
Subject(s) of inspection
- Health & Safety at Work Act, Section 6 (General duties of manufacturers) - RAG rating: Green
Purpose of intervention
The purpose of this vendor inspection was to sample Ultra Energy UK’s arrangements for supply chain management (SCM) and procurement activities for nuclear safety related items or services. The inspection considered evidence of the adequate implementation of the arrangements to inform a regulatory judgement regarding the vendors compliance with relevant good practice (RGP). The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) is the enforcing authority for Section 6 (General Duties of Manufacturers) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, under certain circumstances, for products and services supplied to GB nuclear facilities. ONR has developed a proportionate vendor inspection approach as part of its supply chain regulatory activities, targeting suppliers whose products or services carry the highest nuclear safety consequences and those who supply multiple licensees. In line with this strategy a vendor inspection of Ultra Energy UK was planned as part of the 2022 vendor inspection programme.Interventions carried out by ONR
ONR carried out a planned vendor inspection at Ultra Energy UK’s facilities in Wimborne, Dorset on 17 to 19 October 2022, utilising specialists from the following technical disciplines:- Supply Chain;
- and Control and Instrumentation.