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Hartlepool – Inspection ID: 51035

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • October 2022

Aim of inspection

This inspection is to review the arrangements at HRA power station in line with expected practice. A sample of recent investigations will be utilised to consider that suitable processes are in place to demonstrate compliance with LC7

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC7 - Incidents on the site - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

This was a planned LC7 compliance inspection carried out on 18th and 19th October 2022 at Hartlepool (HRA) Power station. This inspection reviewed the arrangements at HRA power station in line with expected practice. A sample of recent investigations was utilised to consider that suitable processes are in place to demonstrate compliance with LC7. During the inspection, we gained evidence of how HRA manage incidents on site in relation to notification, recording, investigation, reporting and learning. Specifically, we:
  1. Reviewed EDF processes and procedures relevant to LC7.
  2. Interviewed station staff including lead team regarding use of organisational learning and impact of station processes.
  3. Reviewed a sample of historic station investigations to consider quality and action suitability.
  4. Reviewed action close out from investigations to determine appropriate scrutiny applied to the process.
The inspection was carried out in line with ONR’s Technical Inspection Guide NS-INSP-GD-007. From our sample of HRA arrangements we were content that they are adequate for notifying, reporting, recording and investigating. Since the previous LC7 inspection a number of areas have improved. Noticeably the PI department is now resourced with staff in place in most identified positions. However, a number of staff are recently appointed, and it is clear some personnel are learning their new role on the job as opposed to being SQEP on appointment. From our discussions with a selection of staff from across the site it appears that the PI team are more engaged across the site and are more proactive in utilising OPEX. There were consistent views that the new CAPCO is visiting all areas of the station to assist teams and promote OL. The PI manager also stated that there are plans to relocate the PI department to an onsite office to allow better integration of the team. The team are currently based in the training centre outside the perimeter of the station. Overall, the station appears to be more engaged with OL which is evident from discussions with lead team members and station staff. It is however apparent that the OL processes are less effective when the station is faced with non-routine events due to the lack of resilience in the department. This may be addressed when new staff are more experienced in their current roles.


Based on the evidence sampled we consider that an inspection rating of GREEN (no formal action) is appropriate for LC7.