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AWE Aldermaston – Inspection ID: 50432

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • November 2022

Aim of inspection

The aim of this intervention is to ensure the licensee has fit-for-purpose arrangements for the management of radioactive waste, including storage and minimisation and confirm compliance with licence conditions 4 (Restrictions on Nuclear Matter on the Site) and 32 (Accumulation of Radioactive Waste) within the Legacy Production Facility (A**). The inspection is focused on the management of radioactive waste during the post-operational close out (POCO) phase prior to handover for decommissioning.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC4 - Restrictions on nuclear matter on the site - Rating: Amber
  • LC32 - Accumulation of radioactive waste - Rating: Amber

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) undertakes all regulatory interactions with the Aldermaston site licensee (AWE plc) against a strategy defined by the ONR Weapons sub-Division.  In accordance with that strategy, a planned Licence Condition (LC) 4 (Restrictions on nuclear matter on the site) and LC 32 (Accumulation of radioactive waste) compliance inspection was carried out in AWE's Legacy Production Facility. The intervention comprised discussions with AWE staff, a review of records and documents relevant to compliance with LCs 4 and 32, and a plant inspection.  AWE staff were well prepared for the inspection and engaged in an open and honest way regarding the challenges faced in managing radioactive waste in this legacy facility. However, I observed a number of shortfalls in relation to the following aspects of radioactive waste management when compared with relevant good practice:
  • Safety justification for storage – there is no safety justification for the storage of non-fissile radioactive waste in the facility.
  • Temporary laydown areas – there are no local arrangements for storage of radioactive waste in temporary laydown areas
  • Radioactive waste inventory – there is no complete inventory of radioactive waste within the facility.
On the basis of evidence sampled at the time of this inspection, I judged that the licensee has not adequately implemented its arrangements for compliance with LC 4 (Restrictions on nuclear matter on the site) or 32 (Accumulation of radioactive waste).  I therefore consider that an inspection rating of Amber (Seek improvement) is merited in respect of both LCs for the facility.


On the basis of evidence sampled at the time of this inspection, I judged that the licensee has not adequately implemented its arrangements for compliance with LC 4 (Restrictions on nuclear matter on the site) or 32 (Accumulation of radioactive waste).  I observed a number of shortfalls in relation to the following aspects of radioactive waste management:
  • Safety justification for storage – there is no safety justification for the storage of non-fissile radioactive waste in the facility.
  • Temporary laydown areas – there are no local arrangements for storage of radioactive waste in temporary laydown areas
  • Radioactive waste inventory – there is no complete inventory of radioactive waste within the facility.
I have proposed a Level 3 regulatory issue to track the licensee’s progress in addressing these shortfalls. I therefore consider that an inspection rating of Amber (Seek improvement) is merited in respect of both LCs for the facility.