Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
The purpose of the intervention was to gain assurance that required information technology (IT) systems have been implemented and are being adopted by the project. It was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation and adoption of the five key enabling systems by NNB Generation Company (HPC) Ltd (NNB GenCo) and the archiving of interim tactical solutions, including to seek assurance that systems have been stress tested and are delivering the required functionality while maintaining data integrity. These systems include:
- SWITCH (Plant Lifecycle Management) for configuration control, construction and commissioning;
- Teamcenter – document management;
- Materials Management/Asset Delivery to Site programme (Supplier Portal and Final Mile Logistics) – for control of equipment to site;
- Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Asset Suite 9 – for asset management into operations; and
- Orbit – completions management and handover.
Effective IT systems are essential to support delivery of the project and underpin the licensee’s capability to demonstrate licence condition compliance.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC17 - Management systems - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
NNB GenCo was able to provide assurance that the key systems are being adopted, albeit to different extents, and are delivering the required functionality while maintaining data integrity. Users provided live demonstrations of the systems which gave assurance as well as a phased plan for making the tactical solutions redundant, in particular CCIS and COMET. The extent of stress testing is limited by the work being carried out, in particular in relation to SWITCH, therefore ONR will check progress ahead of NNB GenCo's scalability control gate in 2023 and ramp up in work.
Overall, based on the evidence provided during the inspection we judged that the licensee has adequately implemented key enabling systems with plans to archive interim tactical solutions. Stress testing of the systems by users is dependent on the work activities and therefore currently limited, for example with SWITCH, whereas Teamcenter is operating as business as usual. We judged that the inspection rating of green (no formal action) was appropriate.