Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
In accordance with the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR’s) Sellafield Strategy, each year ONR performs a series of planned inspections to seek assurance of compliance against selected licence conditions, targeted at those facilities with significant importance to nuclear safety. One such inspection was performed at Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Store (MBGWS) of the Waste Operating Unit within the Remediation Value Stream to assess compliance with Sellafield Limited’s corporate arrangements for Licence Condition (LC) 4 (Restrictions on Nuclear Matter on the Site) and LC32 (Accumulation of Radioactive Waste), in order to inform a regulatory judgement regarding the licensee’s compliance with its legal duties under the nuclear site licence.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC4 - Restrictions on nuclear matter on the site - Rating: Green
- LC32 - Accumulation of radioactive waste - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The inspection was undertaken on 9 February 2023 by the ONR Site Inspector for the Remediation Value Stream, a Nuclear Liabilities Regulation Specialist Inspector, and the incoming Remediation Value Stream Site Inspectors. The Environment Agency also attended the inspection.
The inspection comprised discussions with Sellafield Limited personnel, review of records, documents and processes specific to the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Store (MBGWS).
From my review of the sample of records and discussions with Sellafield Limited personnel, I am satisfied that Sellafield Limited has adequately implemented the corporate arrangements for compliance with LC 4 and LC 32. Sellafield Limited has adequately demonstrated that its local arrangements for MBGWS; waste inventory records quality met relevant good practice; and, tracking of locations of waste within MBGWS was accurate.
currently there is no direct surveillance or maintenance of the Vault structure, Sellafield Limited provided assurance that the environment of the Vault (temperature and humidity) is maintained and that there is no evidence of deterioration of the boxes stored in the Vault. In addition, Sellafield Limited is currently developing a Conditioning Monitoring and Inspection Strategy which will be implemented on the plant. I advised Sellafield Limited to implement the Conditioning Monitoring and Inspection Strategy as soon as it is reasonably practicable.
I noted a minor anomaly where the local arrangements for fissile material accountancy and control had not been updated since 2015. Sellafield Limited provided assurance that a new revision of the document is currently in draft and I advised that this should be completed and implemented as soon as it is reasonably practicable.
I am satisfied that Sellafield Limited has appropriate arrangements in place for the management of Low Level Waste (LLW) at MBGWS and has demonstrated that LLW is being disposed of promptly via appropriate waste routes. During the plant visit, I confirmed that LLW temporary storage areas were barriered and had appropriate signage and there was a good level of housekeeping in the facility.
I sampled the training records for several personnel with responsibilities under LC 4 and LC 32 and confirmed that relevant training was complete and in-date.
I consider that, on the basis of evidence sampled at the time of this inspection, the licensee has implemented its corporate arrangements for compliance with LC 4 (Restrictions of Nuclear Matter on the Site) and LC 32 (Accumulation of Radioactive Waste) at Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Store. I therefore consider that an inspection rating of Green (No Formal Action) is merited.