Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
- December 2022
Aim of inspection
In accordance with the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR’s) Sellafield Strategy, each year ONR performs a series of planned inspections to seek assurance of compliance against selected licence conditions, targeted at those facilities with significant importance to nuclear safety. One such inspection was performed focusing on Waste Monitoring and Compaction Plant (WAMAC) of the Waste Operating Unit within the Remediation Value Stream to gain assurance that WAMAC is compliant with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) and associated Sellafield Limited procedures and standards for work associated with operations within the facility.Subject(s) of inspection
- IRR17 - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The inspection was undertaken on 8 February 2023 by the ONR Site Inspector for the Remediation Value Stream and supported by a Radiological Specialist Inspector, and the incoming Remediation Value Stream Site Inspectors.
The inspection comprised discussions with Sellafield Limited personnel, review of records, documents and processes specific to Waste Monitoring and Compaction Plant (WAMAC).
From my review of the sample of records and discussions with Sellafield Limited personnel, I am satisfied that Sellafield Limited has adequately implemented the corporate arrangements for compliance with IRR17.
I was content that there were no significant gaps in compliance with those requirements of the IRR17 regulations examined, and that progress was being made by Sellafield Limited in the further development of the regulation 8 on radiation risk assessment.
There was good coordination between the Integrated Decommissioning Solution, the Sellafield Limited external partner on the Sellafield Size Reduction Facility (SSRF), and Sellafield Limited; I considered doses were well managed for SSRF recognising it is a lead and learn facility.