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Winfrith – Inspection ID: 50286

Date(s) of inspection:

  • September 2022

Aim of inspection

The inspection is to be undertaken as part of the part of the 2022/23 Magnox Limited intervention plan to assess the compliance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17). The inspection of the Magnox Limited Winfrith site against the following legislation and relevant good practice (RPG):
  • Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 and its related Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and guidance (HSE Publication L121).
The focus of the inspection will be on the following IRR17 provisions:
  • General principles and procedures (regulations 8 to 13).
  • Arrangements for the management of radiation  protection (regulations 14,15, and 16).
  • Designated areas (regulations 17 to 20).

Subject(s) of inspection

  • IRR17 - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

I undertook this inspection to examine Magnox Limited’s  arrangements for compliance with the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17) for controlling exposures at the Magnox Limited Winfrith site. This was one of a series of routine planned IRR17 inspections for 2022/23 in support of ONR’s decommissioning Fuel and Waste (DFW) sub-division strategy (2020/261871) and DFW Inspection planning guidance (2020/917). I inspected the Magnox Limited Winfrith site against the following legislation and relevant good practice (RGP):
  • Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017, its related Approved Code of Practice and Guidance. HSE Publication L121.
The main provisions of IRR17 require dutyholders to restrict exposures to ionising radiations so far as reasonably practicable. The focus of this inspection was on the following IRR17 provisions:
  • General principles and procedures (regulations 8 to 13).
  • Arrangements for the management of radiation protection (regulations 14, 15 and 16).
  • Designated areas (regulations 17 to 20).
ONR provided an outline inspection scope (2022/46366) to enable the site to prepare for the inspection. The scope identified topics ONR expected to cover the inspection and the information required prior to the inspection. This intervention comprised of inspection of facilities on site including locations designated as Radiation Controlled Areas, interviews with staff and a review of documentation provided as evidence of compliance with IRR17. I sampled and reviewed the licensee’s arrangements against IRR17 provisions listed in paragraph 3, and the implementation of those arrangements at the Winfrith site. Based on the evidence sampled at the time of the inspection, it is my judgement that Winfrith is implementing effective arrangements for compliance with the requirements of IRR17. I also highlighted opportunities for the licensee to achieve better alignment with published relevant good practice. I judged Magnox Limited Winfrith’s implementation of its IRR17 arrangements to be adequate in the areas inspected.


It is my judgement that Magnox Limited, at the Winfrith site, is complying with those elements of IRR17 sampled during this inspection visit (listed in paragraph 5, above) and I assign a rating of GREEN.