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Dungeness B - Inspection ID: 52096

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • February 2023

Aim of inspection

In accordance with the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR’s) Dungeness B (DNB) intervention plan, ONR performs a series of planned compliance inspections of identified licence conditions (LCs) and other applicable legislation, to ensure that DNB is meeting its legal requirements.

The purpose of this intervention was to gain confidence that Dungeness B is ensuring that it is appropriately preparing to commence defueling and to confirm via sampling that activities identified in the defueling safety case have been satisfactorily implemented following ONR’s agreement to its implementation.

ONR carried out a three-day multidisciplinary inspection comprising site inspection, human factors and organisational capability inspectors assessing readiness for defueling holistically. In addition EDF Energy's internal regulator also participated in parts of the inspection undertaken whilst conducting their own independant assessment of readiness.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC 10 - Training - rating: Green
  • LC 12 - Duly authorised and other suitably qualified and experienced persons - rating: Green
  • LC 17 - Management systems - rating: Green
  • LC 23 - Operating rules - rating: Green
  • LC 24 - Operating instructions - rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

Dungeness is effectively managing its core readiness activities, however ONR noted that whilst Dungeness B has implemented a number of wider readiness activities the visibility/oversight of these wider readiness activities could be improved.

ONR found that the implementation of the activities associated with the defueling safety case were being satisfactorily progressed with appropriate governance applied.

ONR observed good progress in the engagement and alignment of staff behind the defueling mission lead by the management team at site.

Dungeness has developed and is in the process of delivering appropriate training to ensure the readiness of key staff to commence defueling.

Overall, the inspection gave confidence that Dungeness B is appropriately preparing for defueling while noting that further readiness activities are due to be delivered closer to the anticipated defueling date.

I noted a small number of lower-level potential opportunities for improvement, and these have been communicated to the licensee, however none of these were so significant as to warrant a specific regulatory issue or affect the overall Green ratings for the all licence conditions under inspection.


I judge that an inspection rating of Green (no formal action) is appropriate for LCs 10,12,17, 23 and 24. This is because I found that Dungeness B is appropriately managing and delivering its readiness for defueling including the engagement and readiness of staff.