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Sellafield – Inspection ID: 50180

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • February 2023

Aim of inspection

To gain assurance that Spent Fuel Services (SFS) is compliant with Sellafield Ltd’s arrangements for Licence Condition 26 (Control and supervision of operations).

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC26 - Control and supervision of operations - Rating: Green

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

I undertook an LC26 (Control and supervision of operations) inspection at Sellafield Ltd’s Spent Fuel Services (SFS) operating unit. I observed plant oversight meetings, undertook a plant walkdown where I selected a sample of work that was ongoing for inspection, I sampled training records and condition reports and held discussions in relation to the management of contractors. I found that SFS had implemented Sellafield Ltd’s LC26 arrangements, work was controlled, and personnel undertaking control and supervision activities were appointed and were suitably qualified and experienced. I noted from my review of the Sellafield corporate arrangements that Plant Based Competent Persons (PBCP) required to supervise contractors had no formal training requirements and I will raise this with the relevant inspector for consideration.  However, SFS PBCP did have relevant control and supervision training. Overall, I was satisfied with SFS’s compliance with the Sellafield corporate arrangements, and that SFS was meeting the expectations of LC26.


Overall, I was satisfied that SFS is compliant with the Sellafield Ltd corporate arrangements and compliant with the requirements of LC26. I therefore  consider an inspection rating of Green (No formal action) to be appropriate. The Head of Operations accepted my findings and observations at the wash up meeting.