Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
- February 2023
Aim of inspection
Springfields is about to undergo significant strategic change. This inspection is aimed at examining whether the arrangements are adequate to support the forthcoming changes and whether Springfields has the capability and capacity to implement the changes safely and securely.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC 36 - Organisational capability - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
Overall, I judge that SFL have adequate arrangements for managing organisational change (MOC). There are some observations and shortfalls which include:
- The clarity of the roles for the management of the nuclear baseline could be improved.
- The implementation of the MOC arrangements could be improved - there were examples of Management of Change Risk Assessments (MOCRAs) being produced after the change has taken place. There were examples of Pre and post-implementation actions not being completed on time. The quality of some risk assessments and post implementation reviews could be improved.
- There have been a number of baseline changes over recent years including as a result of an early release scheme (Voluntary Severance 2021 - VS21). ONR advised that SFL revalidates the baseline following its planned post implementation review of VS21 and in advance of any increased pace and volume of changes.
- Following major changes of the SFL organisation over the past few years, the basis for the baseline construction might be no longer relevant and no longer adequate should SFL embark for substantial diversification and the development of major projects on site
Overall, we gave a GREEN rating for the inspection and will put in place a L4 regulatory issue to provide regulatory oversight of improvements needed to address the findings from the inspection.