Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
The purpose of these interventions is to monitor progress against the close out of Improvement Notices ONR-22-IN-008 (AWG Training Ltd) and ONR-IN-009 (EDF NGL Torness) both associated with contraventions of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Regulation 3(1).
Two inspections will be conducted to monitor the adequacy of the work being undertaken to close out the IN's, the interventions will be conducted on 07th and 21st February 2023.
The Improvement Notices were issued in November following an incident where a number of individuals sustained injuries during emergency equipment training.
The Improvement Notice close out dates are both 28 February 2023.
Subject(s) of inspection
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
On 31 August 2022 an incident occurred at Torness power station where 3 individuals sustained injuries during emergency equipment training, the incident was RIDDOR reportable and incident notifications were submitted to ONR.
The Torness nominated site inspector followed up on the incident which resulted in enforcement action being taken against both EDF/NGL Torness Ltd and AWG Training Ltd who were the external training provider for the emergency equipment training at the time of the incident.
The enforcement action taken was in the form of improvement notices for both Torness Ltd and AWG Training Ltd for contravening "The Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999 3(1)" associated with the absence of information/instruction and risk assessment for the emergency equipment training activity associated with fire appliances.
The purpose of the interventions captured in this record is to monitor progress and gather information to allow ONR to close out IN's ONR-22-IN-008 (AWG Training Ltd) and ONR-22-IN-009 (Torness Ltd) on conclusion of sufficient work being undertaken to close the compliance gap relating to the emergency equipment training activity. The IN closeout dates are scheduled for 28th February 2023.
Following the intervention dated 07th February 2023, progress updates and documentation were provided to support close out of the IN's including full inventory checks of the fire appliance emergency equipment. A list of manufacturers user manuals had been obtained for emergency equipment specific to the fire appliance.
The manufacturers information contains key information for both Torness and AWG Training Ltd to conduct suitable and sufficient risk assessments for the training activity.
I was informed that although the timescales to complete the work to closeout the IN's was challenging, station were confident that the work would be completed by both Torness and AWG Training Ltd by the improvement notice close out dates of 28th February 2023.
I conducted a further intervention on the 21st of February 2023 to ensure adequate progress was being made to meet the improvement notice closeout date of the 28th February 2023. The findings from this intervention were positive with both Torness and AWG Training Ltd having completed the scope of work to ensure they are compliant while undertaking training on the emergency equipment associated with the fire appliance.
Following my sample of the evidence presented, I conclude that I am content that the compliance gap has been addressed and I support close out of both IN's ONR-22-IN-008 (AWG Training Ltd) and ONR-22-IN-009 (Torness Ltd).
I judge that both EDF/NGL Torness Ltd and AWG Training Ltd have undertaken sufficient work to address the compliance gap related to both IN's ONR-22-IN-008 (AWG Training Ltd) and ONR-22-IN-009 (Torness Ltd), and have requested that they forward a letter requesting close out of the IN's.