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Heysham 2 - Inspection ID: 51372

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • March 2023

Aim of inspection

This was a planned maintenance themed inspection at EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd’s (NGL) Heysham 2 power station, undertaken as part of the integrated intervention strategy for the site. The maintenance themed inspections are examining the adequacy and comprehensiveness of different aspects of the maintenance management system. The inspection targeted control of work through the permit to work system at Heysham 2. This includes the release of plant for maintenance, isolation of plant for maintenance and return to service of plant following maintenance.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Control of Work (PTW) - Rating: GREEN
  • LC 28 - Examination, inspection, maintenance and testing - Rating: Not Rated

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

For release of plant I discussed with NGL staff the processes for isolations of plant and equipment. I was content that adequate consideration was given to plant configuration and the effect that plant release may have on plant risk. For isolation of plant I spoke to those responsible for isolations and examined recent and ongoing work, including a plant walkdown of isolations for work that was ongoing at the time of the inspection. In general I was content with the evidence examined although I made a number of minor observations. I identified a shortfall in the management and review of long term isolations at Heysham 2 and have raised a regulatory issue to track resolution of this shortfall. With regard to return to service of plant I discussed the process and examined records for the return to service of plant. I was content that the record had been appropriately completed.


From the areas targeted and the evidence examined during the inspection, I consider the licensee has adequate arrangements for the control of work through the permit to work process. The licensee demonstrated adequate implementation of these arrangements and I judge that no formal regulatory action is required over and above the planned inspections at Heysham 2. Based on the evidence sampled during this inspection, I judge that an inspection rating of Green is appropriate for control of work, in accordance with the ONR inspection rating guidance. Although aspects of this inspection were relevant to LC28 I did not examine sufficient evidence to rate this licence condition. One regulatory issue will be raised to address a shortfall against regulatory expectations in relation to the management of long term isolations at Heysham 2.