Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
The purpose of this inspection is to test the station’s compliance with the requirements of Licence Condition 7 (1) (Incidents on Site), specifically:
7(1) The licensee shall make and implement adequate arrangements for the notification, recording, investigation and reporting of such incidents occurring on the site:
a) as is required by any other condition attached to this licence;
b) as ONR may specify; and
c) as the licensee considers necessary.
This intervention was undertaken as part of a series of planned interventions that are listed in the Heysham 2 Integrated Intervention Strategy 2022/2023.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC7 - Incidents on the site - Rating: GREEN
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The intervention was carried out by ONR’s Nominated Site Inspector for HYB and a Human Factors Specialist Inspector over the period 16th to 17th November 2022 and was rated against Licence Condition 7 (Incidents on Site).
To inform the judgement we sampled three events, two at the CO2 plant and one associated with valves for the Fuel Ponds. These were relatively recent (within the last year) configuration control events with some form of investigation associated with them.
The focus of the inspection was to establish if the licensee’s arrangements are adequately implemented; the inspection focused on the adequacy of systemic aspects of investigations, implementation plans and actions following an event, and the organisational learning associated with the investigations. A plant walkdown was conducted with an experienced operator and the inspection included discussions with various responsible members of EDF NGL staff.
Overall, it was an informative inspection that demonstrated that the station are making progress towards identifying an adequate range of influencing factors that could lead to events and have considered how this could be useful for trending. An inspection rating of Green (no further action) was assigned to the licence condition inspected (LC7). Areas for improvement (captures as an Observation) was raised for consideration, which included aspects of linking the influencing factors to actions and ensuring the actions are effective (not just ‘quick wins’). There were no findings from this inspection that could significantly undermine nuclear safety.