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Hinkley Point C - Inspection ID: 51634

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

  • March 2023

Aim of inspection

The aim of this inspection was to assess the adequacy of NNB Generation (HPC) Ltd's (NNB GenCo) implementation of its Licence Condition (LC) 19 compliance arrangements to control new construction at the Hinkley Point C (HPC) site for the unit 1 fuel building (HK) and service water pump building (HP) structures, with specific reference to equipment integration into the civil engineering works. LC19 requires a licensee to make and implement adequate arrangements to control the construction or installation.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • LC19 - Construction or installation of new plant - Rating: GREEN

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

Responses to questioning were forthcoming, constructive, and provided confidence that the integration of equipment into the civil works, where sampled, was being adequately managed with due consideration of the risks involved. A small number of minor observations were made. Overall, I was satisfied with the adequacy of NNB GenCo’s ongoing arrangements for integrating equipment into the permanent civil works. On the basis of the evidence sampled, and in recognition of progress to date, I was satisfied that the arrangements in place comply with LC19.


My overall judgement for the inspection concludes that based on the evidence sampled, I was satisfied that arrangements in place address the key risks associated with the integration of equipment into the permanent civil works. Furthermore, those arrangements are under implementation and are consistent with relevant good practice. This inspection highlighted no significant shortfalls. All minor matters identified will be carried forward to routine level 4 interactions. The inspection was therefore rated as green against LC19.