Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
This themed inspection is based on intelligence gathered which has identified a number of fleet wide shortfalls relating to configuration control. This includes a broad range of INF1 reportable incidents to ONR where configuration control has been identified as an apparent or contributory cause. The aim of the inspection is to review investigations of configuration control events.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC7 - Incidents on the site - Rating: AMBER
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The purpose of this intervention was to conduct a Configuration Control Themed Inspection of EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd’s (NGL) at Torness (TOR) Power Station. This intervention was undertaken as part of a series of planned interventions that are listed in the Torness Integrated Intervention Strategy 2022/2023.
The intervention was carried out by ONR’s Nominated Site Inspector for Torness and a Human Factors Specialist Inspector over the period 12th to 13th October 2022 and was rated against Licence Condition 7 (Incidents on Site) and Licence Condition 26 (Control and Supervision of Operations).
Themed Licence Condition (LC) inspections target multiple LCs that comprise a specific theme. For Torness LC26 (Control and Supervision of Operations) and LC7 (Incidents on Site) were targeted to cover the theme of Configuration Control. This themed inspection was based on fleetwide intelligence (predominantly reported incidents) received by ONR that has identified multiple shortfalls relating to Configuration Control. At the station level, Torness has experienced a series of related events. In 2021 a LC 24 (Operating Instructions), LC26 (Control and Supervision of Operations) and LC28 (Examination, Inspection, Maintenance and Testing) inspection was carried out which identified a number of observations and a Level 3 Regulatory Issue (relating to shortfalls in Procedure Quality Use and Adherence and Configuration Control).
To inform my judgement I sampled two events, one at the CO2 plant and one electrical board isolator. These were relatively recent (within the last year) configuration control events with some form of investigation associated with them.
The focus of the inspection was to establish if the licensee’s arrangements are adequately implemented; the inspection focused on the adequacy of operating instructions and associated documentation, task handovers, pre- and post-job briefing, and the level of supervision required to carry out activities safely. A plant walkdown was conducted with an experienced operator and the inspection included discussions with various responsible members of EDF NGL staff.
An inspection rating of Green (no further action) was assigned to LC26, with an Observation. A rating of Amber (seek improvement) as assigned to LC7(1), relating to the adequacy of effectiveness reviews and implementation of improvements to ensure the risk to workers has been reduced as low as reasonably practicable. One Level 3 Regulatory Issue has been raised to address this shortfall. There were no findings from this inspection that could significantly undermine nuclear safety.