Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
The aim of this inspection was to observe a site exercise (Exercise Fountain) to gain assurance that there are appropriate arrangements for life fire safety and emergency arrangements.
Exercise Fountain was an NNB Generation Company (HPC) Ltd (NNB GenCo) Level 4 exercise involving Hinkley Point C Fire and Rescue Service (HPCFRS) responders plus Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service (DSFRS). Its primary aim was to test the ability to deliver large volumes of fire water for an extended period (namely 2 hours) in a location where no fire water supply is available, thus relying on supplies from fire appliances only. The scenario to enable the facilitation of this exercise was a simulated fire on a battery powered refuse vehicle on-site needing extended cooling. Whilst this was an operational focused exercise, the inspection also assessed the effectiveness of tactical support from both DSFRS Flexi Officers and an emergency controller from NNB GenCo at the Security Control Room (SCR).
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC11 - Emergency arrangements - Rating: Green
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The exercise was considered to be an adequate demonstration of the emergency arrangements against the requirements of Licence Condition 11. At the scene of operations both HPCFRS and DSFRS displayed high levels of incident command knowledge. Both units worked extremely well together, and the command structure was clearly defined. Regular updates and briefings took place between all senior persons at the incident ground with a coherent tactical plan implemented. Communications worked well throughout all layers of command and control with effective establishment of a Silver/Tactical Command Point within the HPC SCR, liaising with the HPC Tactical Advisor and establishing communications to the incident ground.
The inspection has been rated Green. Self-evaluation by the NNB GenCo internal regulator inspectors, DSFRS observers and exercise participants demonstrated good alignment with observations and assessment by the ONR inspectors.