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Devonport Royal Dockyard - Inspection ID: 51054

Executive summary

Date(s) of inspection:

June 2023

Aim of inspection

The purpose of this inspection is to judge DRDL compliance with improvement notice (IN) ONR-IN 21-003. This inspection will also allow ONR to provide feedback to DRDL on whether the improvements to the control of work (electrical) implemented in the submarine business unit has provided suitable and sufficient evidence to judge IN compliance.

The outcome of this inspection will be for the ONR electrical specialist inspector to provide feedback to DRDL on whether the improvements that have been implemented in electrical control of work are suitably sufficient to be compliant with the IN.

Subject(s) of inspection

  • Health & Safety at Work Act - Rating: GREEN
  • MHSWR - Rating: GREEN

Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made

The purpose of this inspection was to judge Devonport Royal Dockyard Ltd (DRDL) compliance with improvement notice ONR-IN 21-003. This improvement notice required implementation of improvements to the control of work arrangements for electrical activities on submarines on the licensed site.

The inspection focussed on the submarine refit complex and 9-dock areas of the licensed site and was carried out over two days from 13 to 14 June 2023. The inspection involved DRDL personnel responsible for delivering electrical isolations on submarines in accordance with revised control of work arrangements and used practical demonstrations and sampling of isolations to make a compliance judgement.

There were some minor observations and actions raised during the inspection which DRDL undertook to respond to or address.

There were some deviations to the revised control of work arrangements raised by DRDL. It was judged that the deviations were not significant in nature or meant that DRDL were not in compliance with the requirements of ONR-IN 21-003.

From the discussions, demonstrations and procedures sampled in relation to compliance with ONR-IN-21-003 for control of electrical work in the submarine business unit, I judged that DRDL met the requirements of the improvement notice schedule and hence complied with the improvement notice.

ONR will now monitor the effectiveness of the new control of work arrangements, and their implementation across other areas of the Devonport site, through continuing interactions as agreed when an associated regulatory issue was established.


From the discussions, demonstrations and procedures sampled in relation to compliance with ONR-IN-21-003 for control of electrical work in the submarine business unit, I judge that DRDL met the requirements of the IN schedule and have complied with the IN.

ONR will now monitor the effectiveness of the new control of work arrangements, and their implementation across other areas of the Devonport site, through continuing interactions as agreed when the regulatory issue (10630) associated with the IN was established.