Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
May 2023
Aim of inspection
- To provide regulatory confidence in the implementation of the Heysham 2 Reactor 8 Statutory Outage Intentions Document in relation to Mechanical Engineering.
- To provide evidence to inform the ONR decision relating to the issue of a Licence Instrument for a Consent for return to service of Heysham 2 Reactor 8, on completion of the work.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC 28 - Examination, inspection, maintenance and testing - Rating: GREEN
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
I consider that the licensee has adequately demonstrated its examination, inspection, maintenance and testing of Mechanical Engineering equipment. My judgement is based on sampling the following equipment during the Heysham 2 Reactor 8 periodic shutdown (number S12R8):
- gas circulators;
- safety relief valves; and
- secondary shutdown system.
I also conducted a plant walkdown. The licensee adequately demonstrated that Heysham 2 had:
- walkways that were clean and free from obstruction; and
- adequate housekeeping and foreign material exclusion controls
During the intervention, several minor issues were identified. I consider that these were adequately addressed by the licensee.
Based on my sampling undertaken during this intervention, I consider that the licensee has adequately demonstrated its Mechanical Engineering examination, inspection, maintenance and testing (EMIT) arrangements and their implementation.
Hence, during the periodic shutdown I consider the licensee has adequately demonstrated compliance with Licence Condition (LC) 28. I have not identified any issues that would prevent EDF Nuclear Generation Ltd.’s Heysham 2 Reactor 8 from returning to service. I judge that a GREEN inspection rating is appropriate.
Based on my sampling during this intervention, I:
- consider that the licensee’s EIMT activities have adequately demonstrated compliance with LC28;
- consider that the licensee has adequately applied EIMT relevant good practice (RGP); and
- have not identified any issues that would prevent EDF Heysham 2, Reactor 8 from returning to service.
Hence, I judge that a GREEN rating, against ONR’s inspection rating guide is appropriate for this intervention.