Executive summary
Date(s) of inspection:
Aim of inspection
This is a planned inspection of EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd.’s (NGL’s) Heysham 1 Power Station, undertaken as part of the planned intervention strategy for the Operating Facilities Division (OFD) of the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). The work will be carried out in accord with the planned inspection programme contained in the Heysham 1 Integrated Intervention Strategy (IIS) for 2023/24.
Subject(s) of inspection
- LC 07 - Incidents on the site - Rating: GREEN
- LC 11 - Emergency arrangements - Rating: GREEN
Key findings, inspector's opinions and reasons for judgement made
The inspection comprised discussions with Heysham 1 EDF Energy staff, a review of the records and documents relevant to compliance with LCs 7 and 11 and an on-plant walkdown of emergency equipment and facilities.
For LC 7, we identified no shortfalls requiring regulatory attention. The station had implemented EDF Energy arrangements for notification, recording, investigation and reporting of incidents on the site, and arrangements to learn from and improve as a result of such events. We focussed in particular on the application of these arrangements in relation to emergency preparedness, including the awareness of and learning from emergency arrangements shortfalls identified on other EDF Energy sites.
For LC 11, we recognise that the station had some self-identified shortfalls (resulting in part as result of LC 7 arrangements and findings from other EDF sites) but that these were being managed whilst improvements were undertaken.
On the basis of evidence sampled during the inspection, the inspection team judged that EDF Energy Heysham 1 was compliant with the requirements of LCs 7 and 11, noting the ongoing self-identified improvements in emergency preparedness. We assigned an inspection rating of GREEN in respect of these LCs.